First they fear you

And eventually, they just laugh at you. (Sorry, can’t remember the full quote.*)

Hillary Clinton’s Path to Victory

I don’t know if I’ll be back tonight . . . I have to do a bit of reading tonight.


*Found it. The quote isn’t appropos, I’m afraid.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Mohandas Gandhi


  1. MRasey says:

    Oh that was cute! I will be very surprised if she wins the nomination.

    Have you noticed the media furor has died down? It’s not all Democrats all the time so much on the morning news shows.


  2. Walnut says:

    Yeah, I laughed a lot on that video. Especially the part about Hillary having to destroy the ring of power in Mount Doom (or however it’s spelled).

  3. tambo says:

    Yes, very cute video.

    The woman scares me. I hope Pennsylvania hands her her walking papers.

  4. Pat J says:

    Even I, a Canadian, found that video amusing. I liked the 116% win in Whereever Out West They Said.