
Too. Tired.


Better yet.

The real bitch about being tired? There’s a scene in my head waiting to come out. I wrote ~850 words last night, and some of it was laugh-out-loud funny (yes, I laugh at my own jokes. Tedious, eh?) The next scene wants to be written, but tonight, I’ll be lucky if I can answer my emails and type up Jake’s homework assignment for tomorrow.

Tomorrow won’t be much better; the schedule looks grueling. But then I have a four-day weekend. At a minimum, that’s good news for the WiP. Maybe it’ll be good news for my blog readers, too.


  1. dcr says:

    Where was the NSFW warning on those two!?!?!? 😉

  2. kate r says:

    I wasn’t going to click but if it’s NSFW,I’m there!

    You should take the phones off the hook over those four days. Seriously.

  3. Pat J says:

    Hey, I have a four-day weekend, too! We’re like twins!

    Mine results from the University’s “reading” week, where the students all bugger off to Cancún and leave us poor employees in the -30 weather; as reward, we get one day off, paid holiday, during the week. And then on Monday, the province has declared a new holiday, named Louis Riel day, after the province’s most famous saint/infamous villain (depending on if you’re French or not).


  4. Darla says:

    NSFW? Salamander embryo? Wha? The cells divide, and then they specialize, and this part’s eventually going to be the brain is pretty much what she was saying.

    Carl was supposed to have a 4-day weekend, but they’re preparing for JHACO in a couple of months. PIA.

    I shouldn’t be allowed near the computer when I’m tired. I started browsing through Amazon’s bargain bin yesterday, and ended up buying 36 books.

    Oh. Happy Valentine’s Day. ***smooches***

  5. Walnut says:

    NSFW: very funny, you guys. Of course, it was my fault for giving you a provocative title.

    Darla, 36 books should last you what, two weeks?

  6. I agree with Kate, and i would add a bottle of tequelia and maybe a little cspan on the side LOL