Snow is overrated

But who am I to complain? Karen did all the driving, while I sat in the back seat thinking, go slower go slower go slower, expecting us to spin out at any moment, slide down the hillside, and have to use up all those survival supplies Karen so neatly packed away.

We’re not in Vegas, by the way. We’re in Medford. With luck, we’ll make it to Vegas only a day late. We had a choice between staying the night in Medford and having an excellent chance of getting to Vegas tomorrow, versus flying to Salt Lake City tonight and having an excellent chance of being stuck in Salt Lake City for the duration. We chose Medford.

United Airlines (“Ted,” in case you haven’t flown United lately; and you know what? It’s a lot easier to get pissed off at Ted than some faceless corporation) truly ticked me off with their bungling, but then they offered to set us up at the Rogue Regency, and my anger is fading fast. The bottles of Pyramid Apricot Weizen and Big Sky Moose Drool may have something to do with my improving mood. Also, after trekking across the 199 through all that snow and sleet, I wasn’t all that excited by the idea of flying for four hours, then taking a taxi to my parent’s house, and getting in, I dunno, around 10 PM. This is a more civilized way to travel.

We fly out of Medford at 3 PM tomorrow. Our connection is in San Francisco. ONE of Jake’s grandmother’s will get to see him tomorrow, that much is certain.

Meanwhile, I’m liking this hotel. The restaurant food is great! Karen had a seared salmon — essentially sashimi — I had a burger and crab cakes, Jake had a Philly cheese steak sandwich. Jake didn’t like his dinner, but Karen and I are happy.

Wish us luck tomorrow.



  1. tambo says:

    Good luck!

    What’s a little snow, ice and sleet? You’ve been spoiled.

  2. Walnut says:

    You know the Wicked Witch and water? That’s me and snow. “Noooooo! I’m FREEEEEZING!”

    I’m an LA boy down deep, Tam. Snow is something you see on TV.

  3. Dean says:

    As I write this, we have another dump of the stuff outside, probably 4-6″. I like driving in fresh snow, but this morning I will take my camera and shoot some Christmas lights in the snow.

    Good luck!

  4. tambo says:

    I can’t imagine a life without snow. I love winter and we’re even talking about moving further north!

  5. Stamper in CA says:

    Good luck Doug…sorry about the traveling nightmare. I hope the food you have here makes up for it too.

  6. Walnut says:

    Thanks, folks. We’ll be leaving for the airport shortly.

    Erin, you’re nothing if not brief.

  7. Dean says:

    She could be briefer. That period is not strictly required. Edit, O’Brien, edit!

  8. CornDog says:

    SNOW. EEkkk. Snow. I totally missed you guys because I am reading the blog late, Rats.

  9. Darla says:

    *rolling my eyes* As someone who grew up in the middle of Michigan, where streets don’t actually get plowed (they just let the snow pile up–you get better traction that way), I feel honor-bound to sneer at people who can’t handle a little snow.


  10. Walnut says:

    Sneer away, Darla. CD and I are on the same page 🙂

  11. Pat J says:

    It’s snowing here right now. Big fat fluffy flakes that I call “Hollywood snow” because they look like the soap-flake “snow” that you see in movies, which looks, acts, and sounds nothing like real snow.