Can a brain limp?

Yesterday, I slept in until past 10. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. I had been coughing up my kishkes the night before, though, and kept dosing myself (never mind with what, but I think elephant tranquilizers would have been more gentle) until I could sleep without bothering Karen.

Last night, knowing I would have to wake up today at 7, I showed more restraint in my choice of remedies. Too much restraint, apparently, since I woke up coughing at 5. Dragged myself into work, where the power promptly failed.

More from my rhinovirus-addled brain below the cut . . .

We pressed on. My headlight works on batteries, so I could still see my sinus patients. The power company told us the power would come back quarter to five at the earliest so we rescheduled all of our ear and throat patients. Then the power came back on.

I finished around 1:30. With the balance of the afternoon free, I decided to start buying stuff for our emergency kit. Flares, first aid kit, rope, ax, flashlight, you name it. Meanwhile, it’s storming like hell out there, the wind blowing hard enough to knock me around, but I was stubborn. Home Depot, Rite Aid, Safeway, the bank. I still had a few things on the list (radio, dried food, flares, tire chains) but I was well and truly bushed.

So let’s see, stupidity of the afternoon, I bought stuff for dinner and I have no idea what I’m going to do with it. Should have foreseen I wouldn’t feel like cooking, but no, I had a yen for pierogis. I didn’t think through what it would take to make pierogis.

I’d like to lie down and vegetate, but Karen and Jake have the bed right now. The bed in our master bedroom serves as dining room table, home schooling study hall, sofa for viewing TV or DVDs, and occasionally, bed.

All of this is a long-winded way of saying: Yes, I’ve read the comments you guys left yesterday — you know, on that post I wrote yesterday in a rare moment of lucidity — but intelligent replies are quite beyond me. Preparing dinner for my family is quite beyond me.

Thank heavens I had the foresight to drop myself off the call schedule. Head cold, cold remedies, bad rain storm, wet roads, and emergencies don’t mix. I’m pretty sure I would end up being the emergency.


PS: OMFG, I had forgotten all about these. Bacon-wrapped prunes.


  1. Stamper in CA says:

    Okay…you need the Jewish Penicillin (did I spell that right?)…chicken soup from scratch is what is really going to get that crap out of your system (that and getting some rest). I know, I know, I have a teaching credential not an MD. When I get like that, I throw 2 breasts with skin into a pot of water with a whole onion and some fresh carrots, salt and pepper (look who I’m giving cooking advice to). It isn’t that tasty the way I make it, but it clears out the crap in your system both nose and throat.

  2. sxKitten says:

    You have my sympathy. Or sympathies, if you want all of them. I’m under the influence of some vaguely flu-like ailment at the moment – kinda queasy, kinda dizzy, with random spiky headaches, gets worse as the day progresses. Not really enjoying it a whole lot.

    At least no one expects me to peer into their orifices …

  3. Lyvvie says:

    Everybody is sick it seems. Did you get your present yet?

  4. MEL says:

    Feel better!

    Oh, and Stamper, you did spell “Jewish” correctly.


  5. Walnut says:

    Thanks, folks. MEL, I’ll say it for my sis: Smart ass!

  6. Stamper in CA says:

    Yeah Mel…smart ass!

  7. Corndog says:

    Dang. Sorry to read all this. I hope you are better real quick. It’s horrible when the doc is sick.

  8. Walnut says:

    CD, you can say you knew me when I had all my wits . . .