A public apology

To my nonagenarian patient:

Ma’am, when you asked me, “I want to know how long I’m going to be here,” I truly believed you were being existential. Hence my shocked reply, “On this planet?”

It’s not my fault. You were my third GOP* for the afternoon, and I didn’t think I could be that unlucky.

Back to work on the Thursday Thirteen, folks, or what may soon be the Friday Fourteen.


*Grumpy Old Person. Like the fellow today who, in reply to my usual opening question, “What can I do for you today?” said, “I don’t know. What can anyone do for me anymore?”


  1. kate r says:

    damn! I wish you were our ENT.

    btw, I was looking for info about itchy ears (four out of five of us have IES) and found an article that I thought was pretty funny.

    Now, I don’t want to get too technical, but this is what dermatologists call the “itch-scratch syndrome.” No kidding. The more you scratch, the more you itch.

    It was funny enough, I looked at the author’s name and hey! It’s by someone named Douglas Hoffman. What a coincidence.

  2. Walnut says:

    Believe it or not, I think there is another Douglas Hoffman, ENT. But the author of that article is yours truly. That’s from my year as an iVillage agony aunt. Paid pretty well (so, yes, I DO get to call myself a professional writer . . . shame I’ve been out of work these past six years), but after a year I became a budget victim. Or perhaps they figured they had downloaded all useful knowledge from my brain, and were content to let me go.