Cuteness overload, NC-17

My sis sent me a bunch of awwwww-how-CUUUUUUTE photos today — yeah, another viral email, and doubtless many of you have seen this one, too.

But I doubt your mind occupies the same gutter as mine, so perhaps these captions hadn’t occurred to you.

But all the other girls at Zeta Beta Theta practice with carrots!


For the last time, YES, the carpet matches the drapes!

Oh, Ludwig, that was the best doggy style ever.

Yeeessss . . . keep your hand . . . right . . . there.


This is what happens when I spend the day scrubbing the deck (only to discover after everything dried that the scrubbed and unscrubbed sections are indistinguishable) and cleaning the garage. Puerile humor at its mediocre best.

Oy. That garage. I have been working at it steadily for the last several weeks, and for once, part of it looks like I’ve done something. I still have a long way to go, but it’s nice to see some results for a change.

Now, if only I could get the dead rat smell out of my kitchen.



  1. Da Nator says:


  2. Shelbi says:

    Hey there! How’s it going, Doug? My life’s been a lot of fun lately, but it’s finally getting back to normal.

    I’m really hoping things stay calm for a while. Hopefully I’ll have time to stop by more often!

  3. Darla says:

    I think I’d be surprised if your mind weren’t in the gutter. 😉

    See what you can do with this.


    **smooches** Good luck getting rid of the dead rat smell. Ick.

  4. Stamper in CA says:

    Oh how could you give that cute little piggie such a caption….my fave is the dog and the torn up pillow. I sent you another animals one, so watch for it…more captions?

  5. Walnut says:

    DN: he looks like a Ludwig!

    Shelbi: Welcome back. I’ll have to see if you have an update on your blog.

    Darla: on my way. It’s so late, that’s about the best I can do right now.

    Sis: haven’t gotten the other animal one yet, but I’m sending you a goody.