They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Chances are excellent someone’s done this before. Oh, well.



  1. kate r says:

    oh, that snape, what a joker! You’d know, too.

    And oh, that harry.

    Heavens, I am a dirty old lady .

    (speaking of old ladies, Doug, I’m trying to take advantage of you–in an email. Sorry, not the fun kind of exploitation, dude.

  2. Walnut says:

    Where is everyone? I need to get the Harry Potter crowd over here so that they can be in a big fat tizzy!

  3. microsoar says:

    Not on-topic, but a big, big thankyou, Doug, for your
    kind sponsorship of me on the 210km Round the Bay ride in a couple of weeks, with proceeds to the Smith Family charity.

    Be assured I will blog you a report, and maybe even some photos of the mayhem.

  4. Da Nator says:

    Heh. “Mantitty.”

  5. Walnut says:

    microsoar: ur welkum.

    Da Nator: yup, some words are just plain funny.

  6. Thorne says:

    I think I’m either lost or stupid today. O’ well. Time for another nap before the wild lesbian lovefest begins.