Two down, five to go, and more

I received my first two nays from agents today. Two down, five to go.


Finally got around to figuring out who sings that wonderfully haunting tune in V for Vendetta . . . the song playing on V’s juke box when Evie comes in out of the rain.

The artist is Cat Power. The song is “I Found a Reason,” and oh, what a voice. I bought two CDs online, and I promise I’ll review them here.


Shaina, you come around to some old guy’s blog to tempt him with your boobs, and that makes the old guy the perv?

Fine. I’m a perv. And you got a great rack.



  1. shaina says:

    oo, that looks cool! thanks. lol. i guess i’m a perv too, huh?

  2. sam says:

    Hugs for the ‘nay’. *sniff*
    I got one today too.
    Oh well.
    Onward and…somewhere.

  3. kate r says:

    who said no? the awld biddies.

    Ho ricevuto il mio libro!! È meraviglioso. Grazie così tanto…Lo amerò per sempre.Sono molto riconoscente!!

  4. Erin O'Brien says:

    Agents … bleh.

    As for Shaina, she learned everything from me, baby.

  5. Kris Starr says:

    Shaina’s turn for a Weasel. Heh.

    (Sorry ’bout the “no, thanks”, Doug…)

  6. shaina says:

    i did, erin, it’s true. i shall never live up to your awesomeness, though.