Friday Flickr babe: sexy

sunny sunday, originally uploaded by virginiaz.

Would it be demeaning to use car slang here? I like her lines. The human form (hers included!) is so very, very beautiful.

As much as I love this, y’all know what I really like: a pretty face.

. . . Below the fold.

robyn, originally uploaded by robyn w.


(Do people understand Woof? Woof is a good thing. It’s my version of a wolf whistle. It doesn’t mean I think she’s a dog. Oh no no no no no no.)

I’m reminded of Veronica Lake,

Regarding Veronica Lake’s hairstyle,

Movies’ fashion influence became so powerful that the government had to ask Paramount to do something about Lauren Bacall’s and Veronica Lake’s vision-impairing hairstyles, the emulation of which was causing accidents among working women on the factory floor during World War II.

True story: when my mom met Karen for the first time, she told me later, “She looks like Veronica Lake!”

I still don’t get it. Karen’s not blonde nor white, nor did she have a vision-impairing hairstyle. What gives, Ma?

Here’s Karen back then, as a reminder:

That’s all I can manage tonight, folks! And I just bought F.E.A.R., so I gotta go kill some creeps.



  1. Corn Dog says:

    Karen is much prettier than Veronica Lake. Veronica was too processed.

  2. sxKitten says:

    I used to be able to do the Veronica Lake thing, but not anymore. It doesn’t actually impede your vision as much as you’d think.

  3. Dean says:

    Like the first one. Has me wondering why she’s wandering around in panties and sunglasses, though. It’s an odd choice of outfit.

    I like the second one too. She’s actually a hella good photographer too.

  4. Walnut says:

    Anyone up for live blogging tonight? I’m debating whether to do that or kill more creeps in F.E.A.R.

    Gotta go clean the kitchen now.

  5. Mauigirl says:

    Hi, thanks for commenting on my blog! I’m really enjoying reading yours. I’ll probably have to go back into the archives and read all your posts! 😉

  6. Walnut says:

    Hi Mauigirl! You’ll be reading for a long, long time 🙂 Start with the Favorites category, perhaps.