Friday Flickr babe: appealing

Appeal, originally uploaded by vandemyse.

My search term today: appealing.

I like black and white photos. I’ll leave it to Dean to tell me if this one is as well executed as I think it is; I’m one of those “I knows what I likes” photography connoisseurs.

And I like this woman.

There’s character in her eyes, beauty in her bone structure, and she has kissable lips. Speaking of which . . .

Day 19 รขโ‚ฌโ€œ Fear me, foliage!, originally uploaded by mivox.

Mmm. Not a black-and-white, but appealing? Yes. Mivox is correct: her safety helmet does, indeed, scream sex appeal.

Gotta love a woman with a chainsaw.

(untitled) originally uploaded by Nadine Saez.

Would she be more or less beautiful without the funky kitty makeup?

That guy interests me, too. I envy his strong nose, his Cupid’s bow, his uber-cool gaze, his straight black hair.

Well, that’s it folks. It’s been a long and nasty week, and I can think of nothing better but to veg out with one dumb computer game or another. See ya tomorrow.



  1. Dean says:

    #1 – I actually prefer the other photos she’s posted. I do like this photo, though: it’s very self-aware. It feels like she’s guarded, skeptical.

    #2 – agreed. Appealing. The candid nature of the photo and the veiled face… cool.

    #3 – hard to tell what she looks like under the makeup. But hey, it’s fantasy. She’s awfully cute with it on.

  2. Pat J says:

    If I’m not mistaken, that’s KISS makeup. Peter Criss, apparently.

  3. Lyvvie says:

    ….yeah I’d kiss him. I’d kiss the lady in the hat too. I love her lipstick and am too cheap to buy my own.

  4. kate r says:

    See, I look at that first woman and think GET a HAIRCUT. You know about Veronica Lake syndrome? Actually hurt that woman’s vision for god’s sake.

    I’m definitely operating in Mother Mode.

  5. kate r says:

    oh and speaking of KISS

    Have you heard of miniKISS? Little people tribute band. Seriously. They’re real and playing in my area.

    Ha! And you thought Connecticut was a cultural wasteland.

  6. Kris Starr says:

    And you thought Connecticut was a cultural wasteland.

    Wasteland?? I think you mean wonderland!

    Oops. Sorry. Too much Monsters, Inc. for me.

    That, or too much/not enough caffeine…

    (I like that first picture, too. She’s not classically beautiful — big nose, like me — but she’s striking.)

  7. Walnut says:

    Dean: yup, I liked her other photos, too, but I wanted to stay with the self-imposed appeal/appealing restriction.

    Pat: yeah, appears (if you check the photostream) this came from a KISS party. Bleargh. I’ve always, always felt that group was more than a little ridiculous. Can’t comment on their music — I can’t even recall one of their songs! But she’s a cutie, nonetheless.

    Lyvvie: so you’re the lipstick thief!

    Kate, I’m going to pass on the MiniKISS-foo. As for Veronica Lake, that’s what my mother said the first time she met Karen. “Oooh, she looks like Veronica Lake!” I still don’t see it.

    Kris: I like her nose very much. I like your nose very much, too. That’s why I would have been a flop as a cosmetic surgeon — in residency, I was always talking people out of their nose jobs.

  8. Dean says:

    She has a particularly kissable mouth. Her nose looks bigger in this image than it really is because of the focal length that the image was shot at.

  9. Walnut says:

    Okay, you’ve raised my clinical hackles. She has a broad dorsum (only apparent on the other photos) and a small dorsal hump, accentuated by the angle of the photo. A money-grubbing plastic surgeon would convince her that she needs to lose the hump and narrow the nasal dorsum. From my perspective, her nose is one of her face’s defining features and I wouldn’t change it one bit.

  10. ~d says:

    i heard a rumor…that this is the place to be on saturday nites…and I promise (crosses fingers) I did not hear it from sxkitten!

  11. Dean says:

    Sorry to have raised your hackles. I have no doubt that a plastic surgeon, or her friends, would convince her that she should alter her nose. My point was that her nose looks intrusively large in the image above, which noses tend to do at normal or shorter focal lengths.

    She does have a large nose. But if you look at the image shot with a longer focal length, the one where she’s sitting in the stripey shirt, you’ll see that it fits with her face, and in fact she’s quite beautiful in a somewhat unorthodox way. She has large, liquid, marvelous eyes, and a small, interestingly shaped mouth in an elfin chin. And the nose has got that ‘hump’, which I tend to think makes her look strong rather than ugly.

    I wouldn’t change her nose either, but then I’m not a fan of plastic surgery for anything other than disfigurement.

    So I think we agree, but we approach this from completely different angles. Mostly, I suspect, because I lack your clinical expertise.

    However, I will say that this is why photographers shoot with a so called portrait lens, which is a moderate telephoto. On a 35 mm camera, this is, oh, 85 to 115 mm or so. I use a 105. This renders a perspective such that if you look at the resulting photo, you’ll say ‘yes, that looks like the person’ where if the image has been shot with a normal or shorter lens, 55 mm and under on a 35mm, then you’ll say ‘oh, the nose looks big’.

    This is one of the things that has happened with digital cameras: for all kinds of reasons, digital cameras use short focal lengths, and that big-nosed look is so common that people are used to it now.

  12. Suisan says:

    Try taking a picture of a horse with a short focal length camera. Everyone’s used to this look too. That’s why most professional shots of horses have them set up perpendicular to the lens.

    Just had a long conversation with a friend who was posting ridiculous pictures of her guys to weba dn then wondering why they didn’t sell. Ummmm.

    But, On Topic: I like all the girls, kitty makeup or no.

  13. Walnut says:

    ~d: you’ll be most welcome here. I try to be online by 7:30 PM PST, though some nights I don’t manage to get on before 8.

    Dean: we bring two entirely different types of expertise to the question. No truly serious hackle-raising at this end ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Suisan, but horses DO have big noses. They’re all nose.

  14. Kris Starr says:

    I believe (not being eddycated in the ways of med’cine) that that dorsal hump is precisely what I have, too.

    And lucky me, it’s a family trait, from my dad’s side.

    I’ve never been fond of it, but the thought of a nose job scares me even more, so I’m not in the market anytime soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. kate r says:

    Kris YOU GOOBER.
    I’ve met you. YOUR NOSE IS FINE. Another nose wouldn’t fit your face. actually…about your nose? I don’t actually recall details of your nose except I remember you face is FINE. GRAND, dammit.

    what is it with the obsession with teeny tiny noses.

    Kate (with an Eastern European potato of a nose)

  16. kate r says:

    PS Wonderland is outside Boston. I’ve been to the T stop.

  17. Walnut says:

    I’ve always liked Eastern European potato noses ๐Ÿ™‚