A Prayer of Understanding

Live-blogging last night, I realized I had never posted one of my favorite stories, one which I got published in 2005: “Saul the Deserted,” originally titled “A Prayer of Understanding.”

Yeah, both titles suck. I suck at titles. Titles are Teh Suckitude.

But it’s a good story, IMHO, not at all like the others I’ve posted. You’ll find it at the bottom of my “Pages” list, or you can click here.

We’ll use the comment thread for the story, or feel free to shoot the shit. I’m going back to my romance — which, by the way, still needs a title. Last time I checked Amazon, Technical Virgins and Sloppy Firsts have both been taken. That about exhausts my titular creativity.



  1. I liked it. (And for whatever reason, “Saul the Deserted” strikes me as a perfectly fine title…)

  2. This is too perfect to not include here: The Book of Job. LOLCAT style:

    5atan: I’m in ur base killin ur d00dz.

    Joob: Oh n0es!!! Mah kidz n camlz!! O mah achin shizzle!! Whaddup Gh0d??!?!?

    M3snjer: O hai, ur bukkit was eated bi an erthqwake!

    Joob: Not mah bukkit too!!1!!! Oh n0es!!!

  3. Walnut says:

    Thanks, ps. IIRC, Lon Prater (the editor) picked out that title — editor’s prerogative, after all.

    That LOLCAT stuff scares me. I keep imagining a future where everyone talks like that and I can’t understand WTF they’re saying.

  4. Lon says:

    And I’ll stand by that title change to this day! 🙂

    How odd that you just posted this online recently. Outside the Odyssey panel at Readercon I mentioned it as the coolest Homer story I ever read and when I gave some details, a link was requested.

    So I’m glad there is a link to give them!

    Drop me a line some time Doug! I’m now up in CT.

  5. Walnut says:

    I’m not a good judge of titles, Lon. Apparently I can write the stories but I can’t title ’em. Go figure.

    Email in transit 🙂