A bloody long question meme . . .

Most recently from O’Brien’s place.

Were you named after anyone? Undoubtedly some guy who died in WWII. I’ll try to get the details from my dad.

When was the last time you cried? Last night, watching V for Vendetta. Chokes me up every time. If you haven’t seen it yet, please rent it; and if you think it romanticizes terrorism, you are missing the point.

If you were another person would you be friends with you?
Probably not. He’s a bit tough to get close to. But I would read his blog.

Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.

Would you bungee jump? My first reaction is NO, but at my son’s insistence, I did this, um, this thing, at Magic Mountain in Valencia. Not exactly bungee jumping, but you’re in a harness and you free-fall for a long time. Long enough to realize how very dead you would be, were it not for the harness.

What is your favorite cereal? Cinnamon toast crunch. Oy! I can’t keep it in the house, because if I do, I eat bowl after bowl until all the milk is gone. And then I pour more milk into the bowl, then more cereal — ah, you get the idea. That’s why I eat Captain Crunch. I can stop myself after the second bowl.

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? You’re assuming I tie them in the first place. Yesterday, one of my patients told me, “Your shoes are untied. You’ll break your neck.” Really brought me back to my childhood, and also made me realize: I’m almost 46, and I still haven’t broken my neck.

Do you think you are strong? Strong like ox, but I still regret being too afraid to participate in the anti-war protests prior to this most recent fiasco. Depends what kinda strength you’re talking about.

What is your favorite ice cream? Used to be English Toffee.

What is the first thing you notice about people?
Whether or not they would benefit from cosmetic surgery. I’m sorry! I don’t even do cosmetic surgery, but I used to love reading about it, and I became really good at assessment. Nowadays, I drive Karen crazy. Commercial comes on the TV and I’ll say, “Dorsal implant. Chin implant. Blephs.” It’s like some sick version of Tourette’s Syndrome.

Red or pink?
Red. Hates me some pink.

Do you like your handwriting? I print. I’m sure I don’t remember how to write cursive. Hated it in grammar school, left it behind first chance I got.

What is the least favorite thing about yourself? Physique or character? Physique: yeah, I’ve bought into all the bullshit. I wish I were, oh, four inches taller. Even two inches taller would be nice. I don’t give a damn that I’m balding, but I’m a horrible size-ist. If I look at a man my height, my first thought (sometimes) is, “Ew. You’re short.”

Character: procrastination. Cuz I should be working on my romance NiP right now.

Who do you miss the most? My grandfather — the storyteller, the wannabe actor, the No Get Rich Quick Scheme is Too Crazy guy.

What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
I’m wearing black briefs and slippers.

What was the last thing you ate? A bull’s eye (toad in the hole?) in honor of V. Coffee. Nilla wafers.

What are you listening to right now? The fan that cools our internet gear. Some high-pitched squeal in the background of whatever Karen’s watching right now.

If you where a crayon, what color would you be? Oh, I don’t know. Is there a Tumescent Red?

Favorite smells? How to put this delicately . . . ah, yes. With a link. Preferably unwashed for a day or two because who wants to smell bar soap?

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?


D: I’m not calling you. My Blackberry is calling you.


Favorite sports to watch? Sex. Yes, I stole this from O’Brien, but great minds yatta yatta.

Hair color? Eye color? Do you wear contacts? Brown, brown, no. Another O’Brien theft.

Favorite food? Oh, so many to choose from . . . right now, I could go for a Top Dog Kielbasa.

Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. And yes, in my opinion V has a very happy ending.

Last movie you watched? Aside from V? Karen keeps watching Da Vinci Code whenever it’s on. I really don’t know why. Last movie we rented? Pan’s Labyrinth.

Summer or winter? Winter, Milady de. Or perhaps Summer Devon, depending on what she looks like.Hugs or kisses? Hugs.

What book are you reading now? O’Brien’s Harvey and Eck. Also Siddhartha, Goodbye to All That (intermittently), and tops on the TBR list is (at SxKitten’s rec) Kushiel’s Dart. As a kid, I would check out eight or nine books and read through them in a staggered fashion: chapter 1, chapter 1, chapter 1 . . . chapter 2, chapter 2, etc. Used to drive my dad crazy because he couldn’t see how I could keep the stories straight in my head.

What did you watch on t.v. last night? V. Also, Reefer Madness (the original version). Dig that groovy piano player, man!

Favorite sound? The ocean: the waves, seagulls, children’s voices muted by the surf.

Rolling stones or Beatles? Zeppelin. Aerosmith. Deep Purple.

What is the farthest you have been from home? Salzburg, Austria.

Do you have a special talent? I can sit like a freak.

Where were you born?
Erin took the fun answer, so I’ll have to say: Southern Cal.


From Kate:

161 & 5 Book Meme from Darla
1. Grab the book closest to you
2. Open it to page 161
3. Find the fifth full sentence
4. Post the text of the sentence to your blog
5. Don’t search around for the coolest book you have, use the one that is really next to you

From Stedman’s Medical Dictionary,

Asparagus officinalis, an edible vegetable, the rhizome and roots of which, together with the edible young shoots, are used as a diuretic.

And gives you stinky pee.


Live Blogging tonight, my dearies. I always say 7 PST but it always turns out to be 7:30 to 8:00. Please be advised.



  1. noxcat says:

    Who wants to smell bar soap?

    Uhm, that depends. My soon to be ex husband used to use a peppermint scented soap that at the end of the day (once the peppermint smell mixed with his own) made him smell quite yummy.

    Scents can be quite nice when the right person wears the right scent.

  2. Corn Dog says:

    I’m doing Kate’s meme on your blog:
    As the brachium ascends toward the mesencephalon it sinks deeper and deeper into the dorsal part of the pons (Fig. 305) until it is entirely submerged (Fig 127).”Umm, yeah.

  3. kate r says:

    My very first boyfriend used Old Spice and to this day when I get a whiff of it I get slightly aroused. Just a the first detection of it. After that, it’s yuck, because I hate that stuff.

    I like your meme but it’s too long to steal. I’ll do the other one.

  4. shaina says:

    KUSHIELLLLLL! such a good book…so kinky, so hot, so complex, so AMAZINGLY written. you’ll love it.
    that meme is not quite as long as the one i did yesterday. perhaps i’ll do this one when i get home from dancing tonight.
    when are you doing live blogging again??

  5. sxKitten says:

    Why Shaina, you kinky little thing, you. And Doug worries about corrupting you 😉

    I’m re-reading Kushiel #3 for about the 3rd time now.

  6. shaina says:

    hehe, yep, sxK! i need to read them all again, too. i am actually uncertain if i ever finished them all. they are just so LONG. i just know i loved them.

  7. If you where a crayon, what color would you be? Oh, I don’t know. Is there a Tumescent Red?

    A friend of ours spent a fair amount of time and energy sending rude and/or bizarre color suggestions to Crayola when they solicited suggestions back 1993. Her favorite?

    Puppy Pecker Pink.

  8. Erin O'Brien says:

    Welp. Looks like I gotta take my pants off again.

  9. Walnut says:

    For those of you who missed live blogging last night — you missed a lot. Transsexuals, anal bleaching, high colonics, and p0rn!

    I’m still chortling over puppy pecker pink. And O’Brien, is that a promise? I’m coming over to check.

  10. Suisan says:

    Well, thank god I got out of there before Neo wandered into the room and started reading over my shoulder. (g)

  11. Walnut says:

    Yeah, our conversation was unusually clean, didn’t you think? Probably because we didn’t talk about horses.

    Horses came up later, though — were you there for that bit? Weren’t you the one who requires a man to look good on a horse?