The things I’ve learned

1. Jokes based on somewhat obscure literary works tend to fall flat on their faces. Or on their chocolate ears.

2. Today is the first day of Hanukkah. It falls on a different day every year. Damned lunar calendar.

3. Cats like me better when I’m drunk.

4. Karen’s “You never change” charge (see #13 of this last Thursday’s Thirteen) has more to do with personal philosophy than with any shortcoming on my part. “I don’t think anyone ever changes,” she told me when she read that bit. “You can’t change your personality.”

Do you think she’s right?



  1. Lyvvie says:

    Of course people change! We change, evolve, mature and learn every day. You can’t say you are the same as you were when you were 10, 20 or whatever because you aren’t that person anymore. We are desperately unique not only from each other but from ourselves; imagine if you bumped into your twenty year old self, what would you think about you? what would your young self think of who you’ve become?

    We are always changing, even in personality.

  2. sxKitten says:

    1. I got the joke, just didn’t have time to comment.

    2. Happy Hanukkah!

    3. My cat likes me better when I’m naked.

    4. I’ve definitely changed in the last 20 years, although I suppose my core personality is still more or less the same.

  3. shaina says:

    chhhhhhappy chhhhhhanukah!
    chanukah is fun!
    i gots good presents!
    and an electric menorah in my window! Jewish pride, what what!
    and, and PRESENTS!!!
    did i mention the presents?
    i am such a little materialist. but when it means josh groban cds and chocolate and Queer as Folk books, i can deal with it. 🙂

  4. Walnut says:

    My cat likes to eat the old, dead, dried up flies near the window. They’re like popcorn or something. I don’t care about ass-licking . . . she eats dead flies.

    Shaina, come over here and clean all your saliva off my monitor. You material girl you.

  5. Lyvvie says:

    Maybe we’ll do Chanukah next year. We’re not very religious, we just don’t like the kids to feel left out, and the grandfolks wouldn’t hear of us not having a present swapping holiday. So long as it’s not meat swapping it should be good. Would that be too weird? Or disrespectful? I mean should we be initiated or something? Heck I’m not even baptised or christened or whatever either.

  6. DementedM says:

    Change? Yes and no. My husband and I change each other. I’ve seen him make some pretty profound personal changes during our marriage which is awe inspiring because big change is hard.

    Probably our cores are fixed, but we can make small changes.

    In my book, it’s not so much whether we can change, but whether or not we make the effort to do so.
