Woo effin hoo!

I’m between cases at the moment.

Our general surgeon is predicting that my taxes will go up 20% under the new Democratically controlled Congress. To which I say: Yeah, baby! Bring it on!

I don’t believe it for a moment (the Dems aren’t so stupid as to trash their hard-fought victory by giving the Repugs fodder for ’08), but even if it were true, it would be a small price to pay for this victory.

We did it!

I am so happy my fears of stolen elections didn’t pan out, but we still need to be vigilant regarding recount shenanigans in Montana and Virginia. 



  1. noxcat says:

    I don’t know that taxes will go up, considering it’s been the Republicans who keep passing spending bills lately. Bush doesn’t like to veto them.

  2. Walnut says:

    I would also like to add: as much as I like Canada and Canadians, I wasn’t looking forward to the move. I hate moving.

  3. sxKitten says:

    I hate moving, too. Lucky for me, I was born on the right side of the 49th 🙂

  4. noxcat says:

    There’s no way I’d move to Canada. Things would have to be a LOT worse than they are. I’ll stay because the country needs all the liberals it can get to fight the slide to the right. I don’t think it’s a lost cause.

  5. Lyvvie says:

    I feel so out of the loop on this, but I’m happy you’re happy. I do the Snoopy happy dance in your honor.

  6. Dean says:

    Your General Surgeon should realize that your taxes are going to have to go up at some point, because Bush is spending more than y’all are taking in, and the longer y’all do that, the more painful it’s going to be.

    Surely your GS realizes that?

  7. Corn Dog says:

    I registered to vote when I was 18 and once more attempting to get Bush out of office. Some days I think I will move to Canada but it is to c-c-c-cold. Brrrrrr. Then a good hot flash comes along and I think why not and totally forget what I was angry about in the first place. Oh yeah, Bush.

    On a side note, my husband tell me they removed the touch voting screens from our neighborhood because the voters couldn’t figure out how to use them. (sigh)

  8. Rellarey says:

    As usual, I have to add my 2 Canadian cents here!

    Doug: We would love to have you up here in Canada. I even know a few cities that could use more funny ENTs!! 😀

    Corn Dog: It’s not THAT cold up here. Nothing that a few warm blankets can’t fix. Besides cuddling up next to your SO infront of a warm fire is a good thing. (mental note: next house needs a fireplace). Granted, if you are coming out of the sunny south, I have nothing to say, except it’s TOO HOT over there!!! 😀

    sxkitten: I’m very happy to be born on the correct side of that border too!

    I’ve got lots more to say, but I’ll leave it at that.. besides, I have to go back to work.


  9. Erin O'Brien says:

    … sighing with a palpable sense of relief …