It’s not me. Really.

Disorder Rating
Paranoid Personality Disorder: Very High
Schizoid Personality Disorder: High
Schizotypal Personality Disorder: High
Antisocial Personality Disorder: High
Borderline Personality Disorder: Very High
Histrionic Personality Disorder: Very High
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Very High
Avoidant Personality Disorder: High
Dependent Personality Disorder: Very High
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: High

Take the Personality Disorder Test
Personality Disorder Info

But I’ll bet my sis knows who this is.



  1. Dean says:

    That test is a bit whacked. If you really were narcissistic, for example, would you answer ‘yes’ to questions about requiring excessive praise?

    I took it, and after reading the descriptions at the end I saw that I had a tendency toward a couple of the disorders. Almost everyone would, I think, find that to be true if they are honest. But the test didn’t point me at that, and in fact it said that I had a moderate tendency toward narcissism, which, to those who know me, is probably laughable.

    Of course, if I really was narcissistic, I would say that, wouldn’t I? Hmmm…

  2. Erin O'Brien says:

    I do not need to take a quiz to discover that I am an asshole. I already know that I am an asshole.

  3. Walnut says:

    In the instance above, I answered the questions for another person. Just for funsies 😉

    Anyway, Dean, that would get around your objections. O’Brien: prove it.

  4. Suisan says:

    hee hee, Doug.

    I’d be so tempted to fill this in for someone else. I know she’d test right off the charts for narcissism.

    Which brings up a metaphysical but slightly doctor-related question: How can a psychiatrist treat a narcissist?

    If the narcissist believes that her world view is the only possible view, and has no empathy for another’s viewpoint, then how in the world does a therapist work with such a person? Any thoughts? (Or the fact that my mother is on twelve medications and still sees the same psychiatrist for going on twenty years answer the question?)

    Blegh. Psychiatric disorders. Shudder.

  5. Walnut says:

    It’s tough, Suisan. Successful talk therapy demands a few things of the patient — (A) insight into one’s inner life, or at least a desire to obtain that insight, and (B) motivation to change. If she’s unhappy as a result of her narcissism, one strategy would be to guide her towards an understanding that her attitudes have helped shaped her present circumstances. I think that sort of understanding is a prerequisite to (B). As part of this, I would try to use her narcissism against her — I’d try to foster insight by making her and her inner life the center stage concern. Later (much) we would work on empathy.

    That’s the approach I would adopt. I’m not a psychiatrist/psychologist, of course, but I always thought I’d be a damned good one.

  6. Stamper in CA says:

    Oh yeah…

  7. Gabriele says:

    Lol, I’m very high on paranoid and schizoid, and I so don’t have any problems with that. I’ve known all my life that I need to live on an island with no one around. 😀 Antisocial and narcisstic score, too*, but I’m low on avoidant, compulsive and dependant.

    * And it’s not a surprise those are said to be more frequent in men – I’ve been accused of acting like a man more than once. 😉

  8. Kris Starr says:

    Must. Not. Take. Test.


    Dammit, Doug. You know these things are like crack to me… er, or they *would* be, if I did crack… oh, nevermind.

    Off to take the test anyway…

  9. tambo says:

    I am Obsessive/Compulsive and Avoidant. Well, duh!

    The test tho didn’t have slots for my anger issues, anxiety (although that was sorta covered in the O/C description) or depression (sort of covered in Avoidant). 😉

    But hey, I know I’m crazy. I have insurance paperwork to prove it. 😉

  10. Suisan says:

    yeah, Tambo. I was suprised that there weren’t more questions on depression.

    OTOH, depression can be seen as a disease which affects any underlying personality type, which is what the test is looking for.
    I guess.

  11. Walnut says:

    I think this test was geared towards personality disorders (Axis II) and major depression, IIRC, is an Axis I diagnosis. Sorry, but we can’t cut the shrink out of the equation just yet.

  12. Jim Donahue says:

    Hm. I thought I was a former obsessive compulsive (I had some counting-ritual and hand-washing issues when I was a teen). But after reading that page … maybe I’m not so former.

  13. Darla says:

    That’s a screwy test. I turned out shockingly normal. The low score on “antisocial” in particular really threw me. 😉