Kitties (redux)!

As you may recall, we had Ash and Mist for all of about three days before we had to bring them into the vet for an herpetic eye infection. Since they wouldn’t let us medicate them (well, they would, but they each required a blood sacrifice from us prior to each dosage), we boarded them at our animal hospital and let the vet techs take the brunt of Kitty Wrath.

They’re back, thank heavens, and settling in nicely. Here’s a photo of Mist.

In other news: I’ve had a decent writing weekend so far and I may even finish the NiP. Much depends on what my muse decides tonight while I’m sleeping. Cutesy rom-com wrapup, or something approaching realism? Don’t know. Guess I’ll find out.

In any case, nearly 4K words later, I’m written out.



  1. Stamper in CA says:

    Glad your kitties are back and healthy. Mist is a bit bigger than our Midnight, but they look the same.

  2. crystal says:

    Hi Doug. I’m glad your kittens are well … peacock feathers 🙂

  3. Walnut says:


    Funny thing — neither one of them like the usual cat toys, but they both love that peacock feather!

  4. Stamper in CA says:

    Our Midnight loves a napkin all balled up; he can play with it for a long time. We figure why waste money on toys when he’s happy with a napkin.
    Glad your writing is coming along. I am being lazy about reading your romance. Tell me which chapters have the sex. Ha!

  5. Walnut says:

    Jeez, my own sister treating me like I’m some kind of second-rate-bodice-ripper-writer.

    No go. You’ll just have to read it.

  6. KariBelle says:

    Oh, Kitties! I LOVE cats and I would love to have one, but I am crazy allergic. If I had a cat I would also have to have surgery every year and a half or so to remove nasal polyps and Roto Rooter out my sinuses(my former ENT really hated that analogy but from the receiving end it felt accurate.) The only thing I love enough to keep around under those circumstances is my children and fortunately, I am not allergic to them.

  7. Stamper in CA says:

    Party pooper…I hate reading books online…maybe for you, I will. I am expecting better than a bodice ripper…

  8. NWJR says:

    (Well, I spelled it wrong, but it’s not every day you see a photo of a cute pussy like that! You get the point…)

  9. Walnut says:

    Pussy is always a good thing.

    Oops! Channeling Martha Stewart again.