Live video blogging, tonight at 8 PM PST

Hmm. Maybe even 7 PM PST, depending upon when the troops want dinner.

It’s proving to be a crappy weekend for writing. I wonder whether my block indicates an unhappy muse. But if she doesn’t like the direction I’m taking things, why doesn’t she suggest something different? C’mon, babe, talk to me!

Anyway, apologies to my patient readers. I know how frustrating it can be to beta-read installments which don’t come when expected . . . and then, by the time you get it, you’ve forgotten where you were. I think I’ll send out what I have, two chapters instead of three. Plus, I fixed the dearth of kissing in the last sex scene. I can’t write kissing as well as Kate Le Rothwell or Jennifer Crusie, but I did my best.

Despite the lack of writing (and, oy, Eugie has been very patient with my latest Tangent assignment), I’ve gotten a lot done on the cooking, cleaning, and laundry front. And mouse-killing. Can’t forget mouse-killing.

See y’all later, I hope.



  1. Blue Gal says:

    Sorry, I’ll be asleep. Decluttered both children’s bedrooms today. Eight moving boxes of stuff for the thrift store. You were saying about exercise? But seriously, I’ve been moving about all day and my legs are sore. Have a great live blog. Raincheck.

  2. sxKitten says:

    I’ll try to be there, if Monkeyboy’s bedtime doesn’t get in the way.

  3. noxcat says:

    …and where would there be?

  4. mm says:

    Can’t do it, Doug. You’re in the wrong time zone and I don’t have a video thingy. You’ll just have to continue to assume I’m hot, hot, hot.

  5. Walnut says:

    Maureen, you missed it. Dean and I compared man boobage and Dean won.


  6. Suisan says:

    That was fun, Doug.

    One day I may even get myself a video camera web thingy. But then I’d have to chat wearing an alluring scrap of black cloth over my eyes.

    I guess I could still bare my breasts as long as the face were covered, right? (Oh shit, why am I asking YOU for rules on nudity. Sheesh.)

  7. Walnut says:

    You should know better than that 😉