Spreading my Krugys across the globe

Edited to add: See special challenge in the comments!

Dean has found another way of exhibiting Krugy to good advantage, courtesy of the lovely SxKitten. And such an appropriate photo, too, considering what I have planned for y’all. (Soon, soon.)

Kris, Rella, those Krugys of yours aren’t getting any younger. And the rest of you: I still have three Krugys ready to mail and I know where to buy a whole lot more. The offer stands.



  1. shaina says:

    i still wish you’d sent me one of those. i still cant figure out what to do with what i got. seriously. can we ask people for suggestions on here?

  2. Walnut says:

    I am NOT SENDING ALCOHOL TO A MINOR. Are you mad, woman? It’s bad enough I’m already corrupting your tender sensibilities.

    Sending you a giant condom, that was quite another matter.

    Okay, people: what should Shaina do with her giant condom?

  3. Dean says:

    Hey, what if Shaina were to dig a big hole in her back yard? Then you’d be sending alcohol to a miner.

    Umm… as for the condom, maybe she should start searching for a giant?

    As a matter of interest, and somewhat related, the Romans considered large male genitals to be unattractive. So no giant condoms in Rome.

  4. Darla says:

    Ah. So that explains those statues. Thanks, Dean. I was wondering. Carl, of course, was preening.

  5. Kris Starr says:

    Yes, yes. I know. Hold yer horses, wouldya?

    We’re still trying to co-ordinate an evening and babysitters, etc. It’s not what one might want to tell family — “Oh, would you mind watching her tonight? I’m going out to have pictures taken of me where I’m half-dressed and covered with sperm.”

    You see how that would go over?

    Patience is a virtue, Doug. And I promise you you’ll be a happy boy. 🙂

    (And what’s this what I have planned for y’all bit?? Curious minds want to know…!)