In production: My Name is Bruce

Lego Ash from The Evil Dead — from Diantological

An IMDB search for movie versions of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness led me to Heart of Dorkness: Behind the Scenes of ‘My Name is Bruce’ . . . featuring one of my favorite guys, Bruce Campbell. You mean there’s gonna be a new Bruce Campbell movie? You betcha.

From IMDB, My Name is Bruce (2007):

B Movie Legend Bruce Campbell is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight a real monster in a small town in Oregon.

A small town in Oregon? Oh please oh please oh please let it be Brookings. We’re a small town. We don’t even have a Walmart! I can play a zombie, really!

As for my original search, I found it. Karen was right (isn’t she always?) Boris Karloff did play Kurtz in the Playhouse 90 version of Heart of Darkness (1958). And Roddy McDowell played Marlowe, and Eartha Kitt played “Queen” (whaaaa?)

I wonder if it’s available on DVD.



  1. kate r says:

    and that webpage has nothing to do with your post so don’t try to figure out the connection.

  2. Jim Donahue says:

    Have you read his memoir from a few years back? Something like “If Chins Could Kill,” I think.

    Good fun.

  3. Walnut says:

    I haven’t, but my wife has. She enjoyed it.

  4. Da Nator says:

    Even though the legendary Bruce isn’t in it, I’m dying to see this. I’ve heard it’s quite good.

  5. Alex says:

    If chins could kill (Brilliant!!)

    Make Love! The Bruce Campbell way (Not as good but great regardless)

    Evil dead the musical (Amazing! I caught them in Montreal a couple years ago, sat in the splatter zone and even got original designer of the book of the dead Tom Sullivan to sign my book of the dead edition of Evil Dead 1!)