Dish from an insider

Over at DailyKos, Swordsmith dishes on publishing. Who’s that, you ask?

A bit of background: I’m the author of nine published books and a former NYC editor, who still does a fair amount of work for various publishing firms. I teach writing and book publishing at the university level, and remain tied into the publishing world (particularly science fiction and fantasy) on various levels. I’ve written and edited both fiction and nonfiction, and I’ll talk about both in this series.

The series thus far:

Part 1 – Why bad things happen to good books.
Part 2 – Avoiding publishing scams.
Part 3 – Literary Conventions (with an emphasis of SF Conventions)
Part 4 – Book Packagers.

Good stuff.



  1. kate r says:


    everyone’s in atlanta, doug. The entire world. . .

  2. Walnut says:

    I’m here for ya in beautiful, 85F southern Oregon. Come on out with hubs & your Horde critters and we’ll have our own convention.

  3. tambo says:

    What’s happening in Atlanta? RWA?

  4. Walnut says:

    Yup, I do believe so. All those white, heterosexual women


    who don’t believe their characters should be having too much sex.

    (oh yeah, that’s right )

    Kate, y’all need to start an NRWA (new Romance Writers of America).

  5. […] More of Swordsmith’s “How Publishing Works” Series By Walnut Many thanks to Kate for refreshing my memory on this. I plugged Swordsmith before, but that post fell off the front page of the blog — and when it falls off the front page, it drops out of my mind, too. […]