Two quick questions

What’s your favorite and/or the best eBook reader?

Can I load a pdf onto an eBook reader?




  1. Cap'n Dyke says:

    Ye should at least look at Sony’s ebook reader, Douglas m’Lad. Ye can load pdf on it.

    Sorry I haven’t been around this week. I was protectin’ an’ transportin’ precious cargo to a faraway port.

  2. Walnut says:

    I wonders how much booty they be wanting for that fine loot.

  3. Cap'n Dyke says:

    Sony® Portable Reader System

    * 6” SVGA 800×600 gray scale display158 with E Ink® Display technology.
    * Compact and lightweight for ultimate portability.
    * Internal memory with a slot for removable memory (Memory Stick® storage media and SD Memory Cards).
    * Approximately 7,500 page turns per battery charge.189
    * Select from thousands of eBooks from the Connect® Book store.

    Available Late Summer 2006.

    Ye need t’pirate about 350 pieces o’ eight. Times change, people change, prices change…This be what I know.

  4. May says:

    Do you have any use for a PDA, Doug? Or are you looking for something exclusively for ebooks? That’s something to think about.

    Adobe has free software if you want to read PDF ebooks on your PDA–both Palm and PocketPC.

  5. Erin O'Brien says:

    Don’t do them yet. I’m sure we will all have to do them soon, though. The prices are sure to come down eventually.

  6. Pat J says:

    If you’re just looking for something to read PDFs on your PC, there’s an alternative to Adobe’s bloated software. Check out Foxit’s PDF reader, a tiny and speedy application. The only downside is that it doesn’t have a browser plug-in, but I’ve come to view that as an advantage — it makes sure that I download the PDF file, which means that I always have a copy on my machine, for later perusal.

  7. kate r says:

    I just read it all on my laptop. Works fine.

  8. Walnut says:

    Thanks, folks. Good advice. Kate, I’m looking for something I can read while I’m doing my elliptical trainer stuff. Laptop won’t cut it 😉 Besides, our laptop is in horrendous shape at the moment.

  9. jmc says:

    The Ja(y)nes at have written several posts on ebook readers and ebook readers software. This entry ( is specifically about readers, but there is another post about software. You can click on “ebooks” at the top of the homepage, which will direct you to an index of their ebook reviews but also to the posts about the readers, software, websites.

  10. Walnut says:

    Thanks. On my way!