I’m holding him to this.

Yeah. We’ll see.


Too tired to blog

. . . so here’s a flying ferret from Divinorum’s photostream.


Speaking of disasters . . .

I hung out this evening with my friends and we got to talking about lahars. That’s when Stan told me about bleves (pronounced “blevvies”), which I’d never heard of before. Bleve is actually an acronym, BLEVE, which stands for Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion:

A BLEVE can occur in a vessel that stores a substance that is usually a gas at atmospheric pressure but is a liquid when pressurized (for example, liquefied petroleum gas). The substance is stored partly in liquid form, with a gaseous vapour above the liquid filling the remainder of the container.

If the vessel is ruptured — for example, due to corrosion, or failure under pressure — the vapour portion may rapidly leak, lowering the pressure inside the container and releasing a wave of overpressure from the point of rupture. This sudden drop in pressure inside the container causes violent boiling of the liquid, which rapidly liberates large amounts of vapour in the process. The pressure of this vapour can be extremely high, causing a second, much more significant wave of overpressure (an explosion) which may completely destroy the storage vessel and project fragments over the surrounding area.

This one is spectacular:

I’m not sure what’s more impressive — the sight of the fuel car rocketing 3600+ feet, or the fireball which follows.


What am I thinking? I can’t move here!

Something new to fear: lahars.

An eruption of Mount Rainer would include lava flows like those that scientists have discovered from past Rainier eruptions – flows that stretch more than nine miles from the volcano’s peak. In and of themselves, these scalding rivers of molten rock will be the least of our worries. What’s far scarier is the prospect of a massive, eruption-triggered lahar that travels more than 60 miles per hour down the side of the mountain.

“Lahars can be directly triggered from the eruptions because there’s a lot of snow and ice on the surface [of Mt. Rainier],” says Pierson. “You dump out a bunch of hot rock and have it flow over all that snow and ice, you’re gonna produce a lot of water from melting snow, and mix it with the rock to form devastating lahars.”

The largest mudslide the world has ever seen occurred on Mount Rainier 5,600 years ago. The Osceola Mudflow dumped 10 billion cubic meters of mud over more than 200 square miles. Six other massive lahars have occurred since then. The most recent happened only 600 years ago and didn’t require an eruption to begin. With a 4.5 billion cubic meter glacier resting atop Rainer, lahars that stretch more than 50 miles are not unimaginable, which puts the city of Tacoma at risk of being submerged in mud, trees and volcanic ash.

What do you think, folks — should I risk a lahar?


Waiting to exhale

Wow, what a great title. Maybe I’ll use it sometime 🙂

I’m still wired up from the interviews. Perhaps I drank too much iced tea at lunch? Anyway, the recruiting dept’s administrative assistant called me afterwards to ask how did everything go, and I said, “Quite well, I think, but I’ve been wrong in the past.” Hell, I thought my two interviews last month went well, too, and we all know how that turned out.

This is going to be a very difficult decision, unless the Tacoma hospitals don’t make me any offers, in which case it’ll be a very easy decision. Believe me, there is some comfort in the idea that both Tacoma groups might blow me raspberries. (To you Canadians and other furriners: that is not a desirable thing.) I think we’d be happy in Santa Rosa. But I think we’d be happy in Tacoma, too.

It’s what the psychologists call an approach-approach decision. Remember that from Psych 101? Do I order the lobster tail or the filet mignon. (Bad example. I’ve become allergic to beef, so the idea of even a bite of filet gives me cramps.) Do we move up here and have better weather, a cool new community, be close to our best friends, etc., or do we move to Santa Rosa, where we have more good friends, San Francisco (my favorite city in the world), Karen’s family, and a professional relationship with a guy I’ve known and respected — and who has known and respected me — for ages?

The docs up here seem like good people, but on the one hand I have a ten-year relationship, on the other, an acquaintanceship based upon a few hours of conversation.

It’ll be a few days before I know what these Tacoma folks decide. Meanwhile, I’m sighing a lot and trying to appreciate the sight of tugs escorting a big ol’ cargo ship through the Puget Sound.


P.S.: Oooh! I just realized I’m almost spitting distance from the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. The “new” one, not this one:

I love that footage. Resonance rocks.


Tacoma, day two

I think today’s interviews went well. The Assistant HR Director told me, “I think you would fit in very well with our organization,” to which I almost gave her my most effusive wrinkled-nose smile and almost said, “I bet you say that to all the candidates.”

No, I’ll bet she really liked me. I told her stories (hey, she said she liked stories) and I answered all of her HR-ish questions with something more than a monosyllabic grunt. In particular, I managed to answer the super-tricky “What is it that interests you about our organization?” with something more logical than just, “You’re hiring.” I suspect she appreciated that.

Of arguably greater importance, the doc who would be my partner spent something like an extra hour with me at lunch. I’m going to take this as a good sign, even if things did get off to a rocky start. First thing, he took one look at me and said, “My GOD, how long ago did you take THIS photo?”

. . . and he flashed a page he had printed out from my medical blog, wherein I looked like this:

No way to answer that question but the honest, “Um, er, ten years ago?” (At least?) But jeez. Back when I still had some hair. And back before private solo practice had stamped out all my joie. I suppressed the urge to ask for a ten-year-old photo of him.

Just got back from dinner, a trendy fusion Japanese place called Two Koi, where I ate kaki kushi (bacon-wrapped oysters grilled in a mild teriyaki sauce), calamari strips, a teensy sushi platter, and lava roll (imagine futomaki topped with maguro and that Thai spicy/sweet sauce, what’s it called?) Not bad, but nothing knocked my socks off, either. Before dinner, I made it to the University of Tacoma bookstore 5 minutes before closing and picked up Carl Hiaasen’s Lucky You, best I could manage with so little browsing time.

Now I’m debating whether I should sit around and veg, finish my Judith Ivory, maybe watch some TV, or go driving around the area. I have such a nice hotel room (23rd floor overlooking the harbor!) that the temptation to veg is great. OTOH, how often do I get to go cruisin’?


Tacoma live blogging um sort of

Note to the wise: martini on empty stomach hits like wrecking ball. Can three slices of buttered sour dough bread save me? We’ll see.

I’m at the Sea Grill restaurant munching mussels in a saffron cream sauce. Yummy. I walked here, didn’t drive, so if I get a bit tipsy I’m only a risk to other pedestrians.


What possessed me to order crab? Where I live, we get probably the freshest (and cheapest) crab in the country. Tonight’s entree wasn’t bad, but it pains the son-of-a-Depression Era-father to know I could have had better, cheaper, at home. But dammit I had a yen for crab.


I’ve been walking off the martini and I’m feeling fine.

Tacoma on a Wednesday night: not lively. I found a couple of open Kwik E Marts and I went to the second one for my toothpaste and bottled water (yah, I’m one of those freaks who won’t drink tap water). Guy asked me, “Anything else?” and I said, “Yeah, got any floss?”

“Sure,” he said. “Really clean.”

. . . Which cracked me up.

“Single use. Ten cents a pack.” He added, “My wife’s idea. She’s a genius.”

So’s mine, but she never thought to sell dental floss ten cents a tiny pack.


Not only does this hotel offer a Pillow Menu, it also gives me a Spiritual Menu. I am not shittin’.

We are here to provide you with choices

  • The Bhagavad Gita
  • Book of Mormon
  • Books on Buddhism
  • The Holy Bible King James Version
  • The Koran (various versions)
  • New American Bible
  • Tao Te Ching (various versions)
  • The Torah (various versions)

Touch the “Help Me” button on your phone and we will bring up your book of faith.

Should I be obnoxious and ask for Darwin’s Origin of Species?


I’m going to draw a hot bath and read my book. Kate will be pleased to hear that I’m nearing the end of Judith Ivory’s Black Silk. This one didn’t grab me until about page 150, but now I’m convinced. There’s an unusual depth to these characters. Anyway, that’s it for now, folks.


, June 25, 2008. Category: Food.


Just spent the last forty minutes watching George Carlin videos on YouTube, wondering which one I should choose for an RIP, and thinking, “Nope. No. NSFW. Naw, wouldn’t do.”

It’s the damned job search. I keep imagining that these folks are looking over my shoulder and that none of them are quite as out there as I am. Obviously, there’s plenty here at Balls & Walnuts to offend a potential employer, but I’m counting on people not to look any deeper than the first page. Folks are lazy that way.

Logical would be for me to realize that they’re too lazy to google me, let alone explore my websites, and that I can safely say whatever the hell I please so long as I don’t refer to them by name. (Bad idea. People DO google themselves.)

But in any case, I’m tired, I want to shower and shave and go to bed, but I still have to pack and I still have to type up Jake’s homework for the next three days. So yeah um nothin tonight I’m afraid, just a load of blather. I’m flying to Tacoma tomorrow and staying at a pretty nice-looking place. Maybe I’ll get me some decent food tomorrow night and blog about it. That’ll cheer me up.

Wish me luck!



Dan wins the Ferret Name-Off. Ferret Bueller it is. For his creative talents, Dan wins a $25 gift certificate to PetSmart, whether he wants it or not.

Know what’s cute? Baby ferrets.

As much as I would love to see these little guys firsthand, ferret breeding is not for the amateur. Unfixed female ferrets (jills) stay in heat until they’re bred, and if they’re not bred, they can develop life-threatening health problems. Unfixed male ferrets (hobs) are aggressive and they mark their territory — and themselves — “with a mixture of slimy oils and urine.” Yeah, I’ve know guys like that, too.


I have a new review up at The Fix: Hub Magazine issues 51-55. From this collection, there’s one must-read. It’s a poem, “The Real Tooth Fairy.” I loved it. Even my family of poetry-despisers loved it.


Speaking of reviews, I’ve dipped my big toe into Jackie Kessler‘s latest, the hopefully named Hotter than Hell. Jackie sent me an ARC a while back and I’ve been remiss. (I’ve been knee-deep in Sara Gran’s Dope and Come Closer . . . wow. Quite a bit different than Jackie’s work, though.) I’m still waiting to see how Jackie handles a full blown (heh) sex scene from the male POV. As I’ve said, oh, somewhere, a realistic sex scene from the male POV would be pretty damned boring. Equal parts yeah, do that, and one Mississippi two Mississippi three Mississippi, and what do you mean, don’t do that? and Good God, how long am I going to have to wait to do this again? and too fast too fast think think babies with kwashiorkor gangrenous toes Tom Cruise on Oprah’s sofa just about any photo of Amy Winehouse Tucker Carlson’s bow tie ooh yeah that’s a good one Tucker Carlson’s bow tie phew! that was a close one.

So um yeah waiting to see how Jackie handles this one.

But oy, Jackie, the cover art? If I were to catch Teh Gay, it wouldn’t be with this Rob Lowe wannabe. Yes, yes, I know you don’t get control over cover art. And I know your publisher doesn’t give a damn about the opinion of your hetero male readers. Just sayin’.


Let’s talk poison

No, not that Poison. (And, might I say, Ew? Looks like these guys cornered the market in lip collagen injections.)

Yeah, that poison.

Today, I’m thinking about writing. This is an improvement. At least I’m thinking, plotting, speculating, devising, and not playing Diablo II on Nightmare level.
