Cat o’ nine

Today’s Random Flickr Blogging image is slightly unsafe for work, so I’ve buried it below the fold. Tom has links to this week’s other participants.

Tonight’s post should satisfy a few of your demands — pix! Flickr Follies! Sex! Blinded by Science (well, kinda science . . . um, health science. I suppose. If you really stretch the point). Maybe even Writer’s Life, if you would like to believe that this is what goes on in the dark recesses of my imagination.

Come along. You know you want to.


Four down, three to go

Busy OR day today — seven cases. I’ll be here a while.

On a positive note, the Feds did not show this week. They’re in Novato. On an even more positive note, we’re keeping this week short; I’ll be off Friday through Monday so that my staff can have an Easter break.

Let’s do something a little different this evening. Pick your favorite category (left sidebar), tell me what it is in the comments, and tonight’s post will fit that category. If there’s no consensus, I’ll pick at category at random from among your comments.



Well, this blows

Here’s what I heard: some dumbass developer near Sacramento ploughed up a fiberoptic cable, screwing up high speed internet for the entire West coast.

WordPress gives me all kinds of errors when I try to open my comments. I don’t know if this will even post!

Here goes nothing . . .

Yay! It worked! But I’m still disturbed by all these “WordPress database error” files. Next thing you know, I’ll crash my blog. I’ve done it before.

Here. Have a recipe.

From Pampered Chef . . .

Tempting Toffee Crisps

12 whole (5 x 2 1/2 inch) graham crackers
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
3/4 cup butter (do not use margarine)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup semisweet chocolate morsels
1/2 cup chopped almonds

1. Preheat oven to 350. Arrange graham crackers side by side in a single layer pan (with sides)
2. In saucepan, combine brown sugar, butter, and vanilla. Cook over medium heat until mixture comes to a full boil. Continue boiling 4 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from saucepan and pour over crackers.
3. Bake 10-12 min or until bubbly and lightly browned. Remove pan from oven and place on a cooling rack. Sprinkle with chocolate morsels. Allow chocolate to soften, then spread over the crackers.
4. Sprinkle almonds over chocolate. Cool completely. Break into pieces.

I’ve made these using Saltines and they were AMAZING. I can’t even begin to imagine how much better they would be with graham crackers. And, hey, why not throw some marshmallows in there, too? Toffee smores!


Reruns again?

After a crappy night’s sleep, I saw 32 patients today (if not a record, it’s close), and when I got home, I had two hours worth of catch-up charting to do. My brain is a blancmange, and when that happens, you get reruns. Kwitcher bitchin — I don’t do this all that often.

Kate and Anduin might remember this one, but I suspect it will be new material for many of you.

Historical note: this post first aired July 31, 2005. Somehow, the Smart Bitches caught wind of it, shouted it on their blog, and suddenly I had me scads of romance readers/writers. Speaking of the Bitches, did you catch their April Fool’s Day front page? Bloody brilliant. It rices my kishkes from jealousy, it’s so brilliant.

Without further ado:

Everything I know about sex I learned from my tarantula

Yeah. Keep readin’.


The Feds are coming! The Feds are coming!

As some of you might recall, my hospital asked me to serve as Chief of Staff this year. Make no mistake about it, this is a short-straw duty. I tripled my meetings and more than tripled my administrative headaches. And for what? For the ability to say in future years, “That’s okay, folks, I done my time.”

But I really stepped in it by choosing THIS year to be Chief. The Joint Commission is on their way — the Federal watchdogs who aren’t happy unless they can threaten hospitals with closure. Whenever the Feds are in town, hospital administrators swim in their own sweat, doctors run the other way when they see anyone holding a clipboard, and the wards simmer with the noisy popping of spastic sphincters everywhere.

I can’t run away. I’m the effing Chief of Staff. When the Feds show up, I’m supposed to meet with them and answer questions.

Our acting CEO has kindly provided me with a list of probable questions and their answers. I’ve done my best to memorize them, but it’s like learning a soliloquy in a foreign language. The words are meaningless to me. I read the question, I think I understand it, then I read the answer and scratch my head. Does that answer really apply to that question? And what do all these acronyms mean?

I can’t comprehend Administratorese.

This predicament reminded me of an old Gary Larson cartoon which I have shamelessly defaced.


Not an April Fool’s Day joke

NASA’s Cassini has imaged a hexagonal structure centered over Saturn’s North Pole:

The feature was noticed over twenty years ago by Voyager 1 and 2, so it’s not an ephemeral finding. From the NASA site,

“This is a very strange feature, lying in a precise geometric fashion with six nearly equally straight sides,” said Kevin Baines, atmospheric expert and member of Cassini’s visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. “We’ve never seen anything like this on any other planet. Indeed, Saturn’s thick atmosphere where circularly-shaped waves and convective cells dominate is perhaps the last place you’d expect to see such a six-sided geometric figure, yet there it is.”

It’s not a small structure, either — nearly four Earths could fit inside it. (The Earth’s diameter is nearly 8000 miles, and this thing is 15,000 miles across. Four Earths would rub shoulders and spill over the confines of the hex. But, still!)

By contrast, at Saturn’s South Pole, they’ve found a “hurricane with a giant eye.”

There’s even a video (scroll down a bit).



Hmm. What to write.

New friend Tiggr wants me to contribute some erotica for her Fantasy Friday. When she asked, I wondered whether I might get myself into trouble doing something like that. My patients find this blog every so often, and a number of my pals in nursing lurk here, too.

Then I wondered if it was even possible to get myself into any more trouble than I’m already (potentially) in. Well, I guess so. I could do something unprofessional, like break doctor-patient confidentiality. (Don’t get your hopes up cuz it ain’t gonna happen.) I could pull a Full Monty. I could say snarky things about hospital employees and refer to them by name. See? Lots of naughty things I could do.

With those possibilities in mind, writing some narsty erotica seems tame, doesn’t it?


Feeling ill today, which is why I’ve been quiet. More tomorrow.


And a blast from the past.

I’m clickin’ on my blogroll, and since I’m Type A, A for Anally Alphabetical, I like to start at the top, which means good friends like Tam and Suisan get neglected unless I kick myself in the ass and say Y, start with Y this time! Which means I always neglect you folks in the middle. Sorry.

So when I read Beth’s blog, I followed her link to this YouTube of the Solid Gold dancers. I’m not a Solid Gold kinda guy, however, so the video, while quaint, stirred nary a memory. No, I’m a Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert kinda guy. A quick YouTube search yielded this video: Abba singing Mamma Mia on Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert.

Oodles of fun.


PS: Apropos of a certain recent sculpture, Pandagon has a link to Tom Waits’s “Chocolate Jesus.” 

Me, fat?

I thought about nuking this post. Is it too self-centered? But then I thought — when are my posts NOT self-centered? Anyway, feel free to blast me if you like. 

Karen’s watching Penn and Teller’s Bullshit — specifically, their episode on obesity. Penn delighted me by targeting one of my pet peeves, the BMI.

The US Government uses the Body Mass Index in its proclamations regarding obesity in America. Here’s a BMI calculator; take a moment to calculate your BMI, then check out the left sidebar to see if you’re overweight or obese.

I’m 5′ 6″, 178 lbs. With a BMI of 28.7, I am (according to the sidebar) overweight, borderline obese. Four years ago, I was 5′ 6″, 178 lbs, and I’ll be the first to admit I was obese. As I’ve opined in the past, a man ought to be able to see his wiener when he goes pee. I couldn’t even see my wiener after sucking in my gut!

I don’t know about you, but I need to see my wiener. I need to have smaller breasts than my wife. It’s all part of the natural order of things.


Overheard at the Hogwarts Association of Romantic Bisexuals and Lesbians

Reports of Voldemort-sympathizers among the HARBL prompted the Hogwarts faculty to send an observer to their most recent meeting. Minerva was the logical choice, but stubborn as ever, she insisted she liked a good hard pounding as well as the next slag; and Hagrid declined this opportunity to acknowledge his true self. I drew short straw.

With my drab attire and poorly coiffed hair, there was little chance I could pass myself off as bisexual — though, if there were no other way, I might have invited young Weasley along; the boy would provide believable cover. But there was another way. I swallowed a polymorph draught and soon became the dentists’ daughter: Granger.

I set out for the HARBL assembly, sharing my most simpering smile with each passing classmate. How difficult was it to feign the malapert’s identity? Not difficult at all. I had borrowed the library’s dustiest tome and now hugged it to my apricot-sized breast, spouting inane trifles like, “There’s little truth Rabastan Lestrange waterboarded Frank and Alice Longbottom; he himself admitted to using the cruciatus curse!” Blah, blah, blah. I needn’t have bothered; by custom, everyone ignores the impudent child.

Mere feet from the oaken door, I espied Granger herself heading for the meeting, her face a mask of lusty purpose. Who knew! And now, I had to think quickly, for fast approaching was Edvardus Moot, the transsexual Hufflepuff Chaser.

“You!” I cried out, eager to get in the first “You!”

“You!” quoth the real Granger.

Came my riposte, “The warp of your cardigan has come loose,” and when she looked down, I struck her with my ebony wand, then hustled her into a vacant broomstick closet. After applying a hasty Immobulus spell to the vain little oaf, I hastened to the meeting.


, March 29, 2007. Category: Humor, Sex.