Flickr Follies

Hat tip to Jurassic Pork for pointing me to Tom Hilton’s post on If I Ran the Zoo, Fun & Games, Random Flickr-Blogging.

Here’s the idea: pick an image from Flickr and write about it. Flickr has millions of photos posted, some dull, some intriguing.  Pick a photo. Write about it. Here are Tom Hilton’s suggested rules:

Here’s how it works:

  1. Every week, we all start with the same randomly-generated four-digit number (call it ####).
  2. Go to Flickr and search for “IMG_####”. There should be anywhere from a few hundred to a couple thousand results.
  3. Choose an image from among the results, post it to your blog (be sure to include attribution and a link back to the page where the image appears–this is done automatically if you use the ‘blog this’ feature in Flickr).
  4. The rest is up to you. Write about the place shown in the image. Make up a story about it. Connect it to some issue you care about. Or just post it as an image you really like. Do whatever you want.

As Jurassic points out, this could be a delightful way to break a writer’s block, not to mention an answer to the eternal wail, “What will I blog about nooooow?”

And I already have an idea what to do with it. Forget the random stuff — I’ll do that some other time. This evening, we’ll see how Flickr and Google Images match up on a specific image search. Something special. Something for me.

Tonight: The Great Camel Toe Race of 2006!



  1. Dean says:

    Camel toes are much more interesting than hobbit feet.

  2. sxKitten says:

    How ’bout hobbits with camel toes?