Howdy, neighbor!

A very special welcome for the lovely, talented, and soon to be published novelist Lisa Adams, who I hope will be stopping by sometime soon. She may never come back here, or she may beat me up the next time she sees me. You never know with some folks.

Lisa works as the Yurok Indian Tribe’s in-house counsel. That means we have two lawyers here. Scott, Lisa. Lisa, Scott. This painting is for the both of you:

Judge’s Chambers by Kenney Mencher

I’m sure either of you could supply the identity of the judge in question. And I’m certain this is all quite innocent — doubtless he’s reviewing some vital piece of evidence.

I’d write more today, but I was up late last night taking this

out of this

I pinched that X-ray off the web here at emedicine, since in my opinion, image-napping is a far smaller sin than violating doctor-patient confidentiality.

I’ll try to do better tomorrow. Hi Lisa!



  1. keith says:

    Most of us use conventional money boxes, Doug! 🙂

    Still, it sounds like you had a fun evening.

    Nice to meet you, Lisa…


  2. Bare Rump says:

    Did you know that if you pass a tarnished penny through the GI tract, it’ll come out all nice and shiny? After you’ve hosed it down, of course.

    your tip for the day ;o)

  3. Pat says:

    So a doctor, two lawyers, and a giant spider named Bare Rump walk into a bar…

    Hmmm, that could get ugly in a hurry. I’ll stop there, and let your imaginations take it to its logical end(s).

  4. Bare Rump says:

    Hello, darling. Here’s my best Transylvanian accent:

    I don’t drink . . . lawyers.

  5. keith says:

    …and the barman says: “Oi, I don’t want any callous, unfeeling, poisonous bastards in my bar, go on, clear off… Now, Mr Arachnid, what can I get you?”

    keith 🙂

  6. keith says:

    I should, I suppose, apologise profusely to Doug, and Scott, and Lisa, who between them could whip out my kidneys and my wallet with impunity if not with one hand…

    My last posting was added under some sort of blog-induced euphoria. I’m not hardened to blogdom, yet; I just have a cold today 🙂


  7. Well, Keith, I’m laughing. And I commend you on your insight regarding doctors ;o)

    Welcome to the blogiverse.

  8. Lisa Adams says:

    Doug! This is AWESOME! 🙂 I LOVE it! And no, I won’t beat you up. You are so cool. I do miss y’all there in Cali land. I am chief judge for the Oglala Sioux Tribe on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. You are going to have to come visit. And hello to all of you who posted cool. Later!

  9. Walnut says:

    Wow, Lisa, it only took you 14 months to find this post! So, where the heck are you? I’m pretty ignorant on the Oglala. I hope you and Mel are doing well. I miss you both.