Who’s smiling now?

From this morning’s NY Times:

WASHINGTON, April 3 รขโ‚ฌโ€ Representative Tom DeLay, the relentless Texan who helped lead House Republicans to power but became ensnared in a corruption scandal, has decided to leave Congress, House officials said Monday night.

What are the bright people saying? Here’s Digby:

They claimed that Delay was the personification of conservatism and by God he is. He’s a crook and a coward. All these pontificating rightwing “moral majority” gasbags backed him to the hilt.

That’s your modern Republican Party for you.

And here’s Kos:

And Republicans will pretend that all of DeLay’s sins will wash away and no longer affect congressional Republicans. And the media bots will dutifully repeat that spin.

Except that every Republican in Congress enabled DeLay. They all fed from his trough. They even tried to change House rules to allow him to continue serving as House leader while under indictment. And DeLay’s cowardly resignation is further proof of just how corrupt and corrosive he really was.

This early, I don’t have the stomach to see what the wingnuts are saying.


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  1. Blue Gal says:

    It’s too bad all these repubs are so good at self-destructing…I’d like to help.

  2. Walnut says:

    As you pointed out on your blog today, we’re doing what little we can to speed things along ๐Ÿ˜‰