The book of four

From Kris Starr, but ultimately, Kate is to blame, since, um, I don’t know Megan well enough to blame her for an electronically transmitted disease.

This meme is a good thing. If it weren’t for Kris’s meme, I’d be writing an “Alton Brown Ate My Mind!” post right now, since I am soooo pissed at how he mangled pad thai. Okie dokie, we’re saving pad thai for another day.

But . . . but . . . palm sugar? Dried shrimp? Pickled cabbage?
Grrr. On to the meme.


4 jobs you’ve had in your life:
Dishwasher at Sizzlers
Short order cook at the Arcadia
Golf Course Mallrat shoe salesman
ENT agony aunt for iVillage

4 movies you would watch over and over:
The Godfather I and II but not III. Oh, God, no, not III.
Young Frankenstein cuz Teri Garr is too cute for words.
Grosse Point Blank, my favorite John Cusack movie.
The Last of the Mohicans, since Karen watches it repeatedly, and I’ve never been one to steal the remote.

4 places you have lived:
South Pasadena, California
Alhambra, California
San Jose, California
Berkeley, California . . . the BEST

4 TV shows you [- love to] watch:
Penn and Teller’s Bullshit
Dead Like Me — oh, how I miss George.
Star Trek: either TOST (the old Star Trek), or the Jeri Ryan show. Instant woody.
South Park
The Daily Show and The Colbert Report and, yeah, I’m hoping none of you can count.

4 places you have been on vacation:
New Orleans
Ashland, Oregon

4 websites you visit daily:
Huffington Post
Daily Kos
Writer’s BBS

4 of your favorite foods:
Hot pastrami
Sashimi (maguro is the best)
Pecan pie, Which I Cannot Eat
Tongue on rye

4 places you would rather be right now:

Powell’s Bookstore
Newport, Oregon
Ashland, Oregon
4 friends you are tagging that you think will respond:

Blue Gal
Demented Michelle
Pat Johanneson


PS: First Keith Olbermann, now Al Franken. Stephen Colbert this week RAWKS.

Keith Olbermann just now: Bush is at 26%. Say it loud, say it proud: 26!


  1. Suisan says:

    I remember the pad thai show. Ewww.

    Recently he horribly screwed up another recipe, Gyros–which he made as meatloaf and barbequed on a rotisserie. Husband and I were loudly groaning at him to please stop. We Respect you. We Love You. Please stop!

    No, no. Gyros (Shawarma) is thinly sliced lamb slowly roasted on a vertical rotisserie. Alton. For shame…

    …and while we’re on the subject of food and Berkeley: Top Dog!!

  2. Walnut says:

    Yes, I really need to do a pad thai post. Thanks for the warning on the gyros episode. Meatloaf? Yeesh. That man can be so Frugal Gourmet sometimes.


  3. mm says:

    Chez Piggy is this great restaurant in Kingston, Ont, opened by the late Zal Yanovski (of Loving Spoonful fame). This LINK will take you to a recipe for Chez Piggy’s Caramel Pecan Tart.

    You must make it. Screw Atkins.

    I’m looking forward to your pad thai post, so do it soon. I love pad thai but have always managed to screw it up royally when I make it myself.

  4. Kate says:

    Was that a nasty pad thai? I watched that episode too and wondered. We don’t do pad thai around here. . .

    Bush’s ratings won’t matter soon. He’s just reasserted the right to first strike pre-emptive war and he’s making a lot of noise about Iran.

    It all makes me want to pull the covers over my head.

  5. Doug says:

    Okay . . . pad thai tonight.

    Kate, if hell did not exist, we would have to invent it just for George Bush.

    Maureen, thanks for the recipe link!

  6. Blue Gal says:

    Just because I will do anything you ask? Why did I ever admit to that…

  7. sxKitten says:

    OK, I’ve complied. But that’s all you’re getting out of me this weekend.

  8. Walnut says:

    Hey, stop bitching you two. I’m giving you pad thai tonight.

  9. sxKitten says:

    I’ve got a hawesome pad thai recipe from my sister, who took a Thai cooking course in Chiang Mai. I’ll have to wait til I get back from Sin City (aka Seattle) to compare.

  10. Blue Gal says:

    Meme is up, baby, IF and WHEN I can get it to publish. Does Blogger WANT me to move to wordpress? Just asking.

  11. Walnut says:

    No, I and the rest of the civilized world want you to move to WordPress.

    On my way.

  12. Pat J says:

    I’m working on my Four post, but here’s something you need to see, given your affection for South Park:

    Best law firm ever.

  13. Megan says:

    Go ahead and blame me, Doug, we’re all friends here. And that pad thai recipe does sound gnarly, although I have to admit to having tamarind in my cupboard. Tried to use it once, didn’t work out so well.

  14. Walnut says:

    Pat, thanks for that South Park story. Good laugh.

    Hi Megan! I’ll admit I was awfully tempted yesterday to use my bottle of pomegranate syrup as a stand-in for tamarind, but I was determined to use readily available items. Next time, maybe.