Be careful with that sponge, Eugene

First came The Shining, reimagined as the feel-good movie of the year. (Good thing Peter Gabriel isn’t dead; otherwise, he’d be forced to turn in his grave.)

Then came Brokeback to the Future.

Since I’m too tired at the moment to do anything but dick around at YouTube, here’s Tom Cruise on Oprah as It Should’ve Been.

I don’t think I’ll ever tire of these.

And, now playing at YesButNoButYes, Spongeback Mountain.



  1. Sam says:

    I will never be able to look at SpongeBob again.


  2. I wrote STL in four weeks (if you ever get a contract? read it) and I’m not PBW if you catch my drift. It’s not too late, get a refund.

  3. Kate says:

    a critic’s response to two minutes at the mmovies:
    I dunno. Spongebob is too easy. Brokeback to the future was a feat of editing.
    Oprah is good, silly old Tom.

  4. Doug says:

    Sam, I just visited your website. There was this caterwauling (sp?) from my computer, and all this man-titty on the screen, I’m, I’m speechless . . . 🙂

    Oprah was fun, but I was kinda hoping to see the editor’s treatment of the couch-jumping episode.

  5. mm says:

    Before I forget, Doug – nice bum! You’re featured on my blog today. 🙂

  6. Sunny Lyn says:


    Okay – it’s taken me several minutes to collect myself to even post after that video. But…just wanted to say missed you and your blog posts, just read the previous one and want the recipe for this:
    Bread pudding with whiskey cream sauce

    So…give, please. And have a great day. Now that you’ve totally wrecked me with that video.

  7. Walnut says:

    Kate, I take it you don’t want me to review STL, then? 😉

    Sunny Lyn, hi! I’ll try to get my wife to cough up her secrets on that, and I’ll post a recipe a bit later.