If only Karen liked flowers

It doesn’t get much more clever than this.

The kind folks at SaveMyAss will mail your sweetie flowers on all the major dates, and send her flowers randomly every four to six weeks:

If you’re a successful professional whose career demands the bulk of your time, you know the situation. You want her to be happy, but work keeps you so busy… and maybe you’re just not as good at being romantic as you’d like to be. Imagine how she’d feel if you sent her flowers on a regular basis. Sign up for this service once, and we’ll take care of the rest.

I wonder. If I asked nicely, would they send Karen tarantulas instead?

Hat tip to Ishbadiddle.



  1. Sam says:

    Isn’t there a tarantula orchid, so named for its resemblance to a spider (or is that a spider orchid I’m thinking of?)

  2. kate says:

    how about a bug eating plant like a venus fly trap — or what that be too traumatic? Not sure why a person who likes spiders would like that kind of plant, but it does seem to follow. Sort of. .

  3. Sam says:

    Well, about like buying a cat for a canary owner, lolol.
    Dunno about the bug-eating plant, Kate.
    Might be better off with a few white mice. (do tarantulas eat mice? Or am I thinking rattlesnakes here…)

  4. Walnut says:

    Kate, you’re right. We are indeed into carnivorous plants. Trouble is, the carnivorous plant store in Eureka (a wonderful place that sold sepia-toned photographs, glass eyes, and other bizarre stuff) closed recently. The only other place we can get carnivorous plants is in Willets, about four hours’ drive south. Guess I could investigate mail order.

    Sam, only the goliath bird-eating spider can take on an adult mouse. Other tarantulas like pinkies. Crickets are vermin, but yes, we feed them to our pets.

    No, orchids are always welcome around here, as are carnivorous plants. Interesting ideas!

  5. sxKitten says:

    If I had the money, I’d sign myself up for a BIG bouquet every month. Not because my life lacks romance (far from it!), but because I love flowers. Lots and lots of flowers. And I suck at arranging them myself.

    I’d probably also have a dozen pets or so, much to Dean’s dismay – warmbloods, though. I like things that are fuzzy and non-venomous.