Yet another post that none of you will read

. . . or at least, you’ll stop reading once you know it’s about gaming.

But I have to say it. Portal 2 is freaking awesome. I’m only about 30 minutes into it and I’ve already gone back to replay the first thirty minutes, because the writing and voice acting is just that good. I didn’t want to miss anything, and I’m glad I went back, because you know what? I missed a lot of things my first time through.

It’s probably way too early to say this, but I think Valve has achieved what I never would have thought possible: creating a sequel that is at least as good as the original. While the novelty factor is gone, the humor is sharper than ever. Your lovable AI companion through the intro, Wheatley, is full of personality, which is wild considering he’s only an orb with a glowing eye and a pair of handles. GlaDOS (your not-so-lovable sociopathic AI companion) returns too, of course, and she’s as sadistic as ever.

And the grudge match is on.

I have this bad habit of forgetting puzzle solutions, which of course drives my son crazy. But you know what? It makes it possible for me to enjoy games over and over again. So I’m thinking, this intro is so great, forget the rest of the game. I’ll just keep playing the intro. But I’ll have to listen to it through ear buds so that I won’t have to hear my son’s screams of frustration.



  1. Lyvvie says:

    Why wouldn’t I comment?! We love portal. The cake is a lie! <- See! In jokes! I’ll be getting P2 for Husband for Father’s day. (I still can’t past lvl 19 on P1 and it bugs me because I know what I need to do I’m just lack the dexterity to actually do it.)

  2. Matt says:

    Good news for me, as I just now discovered Portal 1. Still working through the intro, and I’m already amazed at how well-made and (frankly) clever the game is. With such high praise for Portal 2, now I’m even more excited.

  3. Dean says:

    My offspring’s screams of frustration are as potent spice to the broth of my gaming!

  4. Walnut says:

    Lyvvie: Yay! You’re all going to love Portal 2. It’s so good I’m playing through it very slowly, to savor it.

    Matt: “Still working through the intro” of Portal 1? That, dear sir, is part of the genius of Portal. You’ll understand more when you finish the game. The structure is bloody brilliant.

    Dean: Why are they frustrated?