Boom Boom Butt-dialing

I really like my iPod. I don’t have all that many albums on it, maybe a dozen, and I’ve only downloaded a few games, but I’m still quite pleased with this very cute toy. And I can surf the net with it, too — for free, apparently. And I could use it as an eBook reader! Amazing.

But yesterday at the gym, I noticed three albums on my list that I had not put there, all by the Boom Boom Satellites. Curious, I listened, and my response evolved from, “Interesting,” to “Didn’t I just hear that one?” to “Oh PLEASE GOD MAKE IT STOP.” I began to wonder if this is what a rave is like: hopelessly repetitious dance beat-electronica made tolerable only by drugs, and no drugs were in sight.

So I clicked on over to Claire Voyant’s “Love is Blind,” something I found through Pandora and is currently my favorite thing to listen to whilst working my legs into a lather. And I began to wonder where all this Boom Boom had come from. Can an iPod accidentally download music the way my cell phone likes to butt dial my parents? Or are the Boom Boom Satellites randomly spraying the iPodiverse with their albums as a clever marketing ploy? Most importantly, have I paid anything for this shit?

It occurs to me: I should be able to stream Pandora on my iPod. Project for another day.



  1. Jacob says:

    I hate to be the one to fill you in on this (except, I’m probably the best one to fill you in on this), but Boom Boom Satellites is the music Karen is currently into.

    But, whatever. Musical interest is purely subjective.

  2. Walnut says:

    The trouble, Jake, is that our readers lack the context which defines this moment.

    Let’s just say that “stepping in shit” doesn’t capture it. I just dove head-first into an Olympic-sized pool of shit.

  3. Dean says:

    and no drugs were in sight

    You’re a physician, for god’s sake, self-medicate.

    Also, I found the context interesting enough. I was going to comment yesterday, but refrained and now I’m glad I did.

  4. Walnut says:

    Surprisingly enough, I would get into trouble with the authorities if I tried to self-medicate in any sort of FUN way.

    yes, context is a bitch.