The other shoe drops

Found out today that I will be obliged to attend twelve “Leadership Training” meetings over the next year. Currently, I have Wednesday afternoons off for, ahem, educational leave. The first Wednesday each month is our big interdepartmental administrative meeting, but the other three Wednesday afternoons are useful for working out shoppinggoofing off continuing my medical education. Now, I’m going to lose one of those afternoons each month to “Leadership Training” — I and a few other suckers. Um, leaders.

What might this entail? Will I be taught the special knock, the evil eye, the secret handshake? Will I come to learn that drilling down on the numbers is neither bookie’s argot nor pimpish patois? Will it dawn on me that benchmarks are something more than the dents my ass leaves on the chair, and that a dashboard is something other than the thing I bang my head against when I realize I could have been working out shoppinggoofing off continuing my medical education?

Will I become a leader?

Mind you, I belong to an organization in which most if not all leaders are drawn from the pool of physicians. Someone has to bust their ass keeping it all running smoothly. Several someones. And now I’m one of the someones.



  1. Dean says:

    Leadership = “Do what I say, not what I do.”

    Ok, not really. You’ll have fun!

    Ok, not really. Unfortunately, leadership classes are dull. Useful, but dull.

  2. Walnut says:

    I just want someone to tell me what to do.

    Oh, wait . . .