What don’t these people understand about “casual encounters”?

Call it a hobby. I occasionally read Craigslist personals — the casual encounters section.

This is where the prostitutes have fled to, now that the law says they can’t advertise outright. (You can always tell the hookers — they think $ is the S key.) They seem to have flown the coop, even in the Casual Encounters section. I’m perplexed, though, by the number of people who don’t get that “casual encounters” means “hooking up.” Some people are looking for a long term relationship. Huh?

And then there’s the woman who has a “healthy attitude toward the Bible.”

He must love the Lord with all of his heart,then I know he will love me with all his heart.

I wonder: what does she think it means that all the guys are sending her photos of their junk? Bunch of bloody Onanists!

And then there are the ones who really don’t know quite what they want. Take the romantic,

These days I fantasize that a person slowly knocks the door of my bedroom, cuddles me and slowly takes me in his arms

which is all very well and good, but

eventually we turn out having sex. And so if you think that you can be the Mr. Right intended for me mail me right now. Now i’m all alone here in my room lingering to get busted thoroughly.

Or maybe I just don’t understand women. Or, rather, women who post on Craigslist.

In other news, my 15-year-old son just came in here wondering what 11-year-old girls want.

For Christmas. He’s doing some sort of charitable Secret Santa thing.



1 Comment

  1. KGK says:

    Our school is raising money for kids in Cambodia to buy bicycles, so they don’t have to trudge miles and miles to get to the school, which was built over the years by charitable donations from the same charity. So this morning am baking brownies for the bake sale. Did get the older one to do chores to earn some money. The Brad Pitt-clone younger one was having none of it, but then he only just turned six.