I’ve been plagiarized!

Or is it plagiarised? I always have trouble with that. My spell check says z, not s.

Hat tip to new reader Andrea, who somehow figured out that this article on EmpowHER is a pretty thinly disguised regurgitation of this article on my website (which also appeared on allHealth.com, and may still be up there for all I know). The author has added a great deal of editorial input, thus justifying her byline. My “Mumps, for example,” has become “For example mumps.”

I’ve written to the website’s feedback email addie . . . we’ll see if anyone replies.

In other news, I finished Jonathan Lethem’s Motherless Brooklyn tonight, and WOW. Here’s a protagonist that keeps living when the book is done. I keep picking it up, rereading the ending, bits from the beginning; but nothing I do is going to make Lethem write a sequel. Motherless Brooklyn was pubbed in 2000, so if Lethem hasn’t written a sequel yet, I don’t know that he ever will.

Per Wikipedia, there’s a film in the works:

A film adaptation of the book, set in the 1950s, is in development and is planned to be released in 2013; Edward Norton will direct, adapt, and star in the film.

Ugh. 2013? Anything could happen between now and 2013. And who’s Norton going to play in this? I hope he’s smart and casts himself as Frank Minna, the father-figure who ends up dead at the end of Chapter One. I can buy Norton as Minna. I can’t buy Norton as Lionel, the Tourette’s-afflicted protagonist.

In still other news, our Giants are walking away with game one of the World Series.



  1. Lyvvie says:

    I did hear something terrible could happen in 2012…

  2. Lyvvie says:

    Hey! I just noticed you added the tag “sex” and I’m wondering where all the sex went?!

  3. Heh… wonder if it’s the default tag…?

    It’s a (very) blunt instrument, but you can always file a DMCA notice with the site. If they don’t respond, you send a DMCA notice to their hosting company, and their whole site goes dark. (I’m doing this from my phone, so you’ll have to Gazoogle DMCA on your own…)

  4. Walnut says:

    Lyvvie: yeah, the WordPress version I run has this weird habit of adding random tags. I wish there WERE more sex on my blog. Hey, I know! Why didn’t I think of this first: Louisville Free Face.

    ps: thank you. Since they’re not even acknowledging my email, I think I will sic Run DMCA on them.