Woo-hoo! I totally rock with the ladies!

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Via Tamboblog.

Think about it. You always knew I was Kirk. Consider the similarities:

Kirk: wears a hairpiece.
Doug: needs a hairpiece.

Kirk: prefers to be the center of attention.
Doug: ditto.

Kirk: hammy enough to appear with Ricardo Montalban and still be the hammiest actor present.
Doug: in first grade, I owned the role of Chicken Little.
(Shaking fist: “Skyyyyyyy!”)

Kirk: made women, humans and green-skinned aliens alike, melt out of their spandex costumes.
Doug: just give me a chance!

Yeah, I could go on.



  1. I am Kosh!
    How enigmatically, malignantly, benevolent is that!

    feeling very powerful right now.

  2. Stephen says:

    I wish I were Kosh, but no, I am John Sheridan. Yawn.

    I’m not even the wet B5 space ranger with an English accent, and I can do a really good English accent – almost as good as Jamie Marsters’ one.

  3. Darla says:

    Hmm. I’m Jean-Luc Picard

    “An accomplished diplomat who can virtually do no wrong…” Yeah, sounds about right. *g*

  4. sxKitten says:

    I’m Marcus Cole, about whom I know nothing – and the bit about “you would sacrifice much to help others” is so not true.

    I was hoping for Jean-Luc, although I have far too much hair. Because if I were Jean-Luc, I could then retire from Starfleet and open a school for mutants, which would be totally cool.

  5. Sadly (sadly, because I don’t recognize a lot of these characters . . . I mean, Kosh? Who the heck is Kosh?), I gave up on a lot of the latter day SF series, like Babylon 5, or any Star Trek sequels that lacked Jeri Ryan (7 of 9, but 9 of 9 in my book). They seemed all talk, talk, talk. At least Old Star Trek had some action.

    Darla, maybe you can trade with sxkitten.

  6. Robot Buddha says:

    I was “No Name idiot that gets killed on alien planet within seconds of beaming down.” Shit.

  7. ROF says:

    At Amazon, both reviews on Daria’s Quest have finally appeared.

  8. Suisan says:

    In this post from October of last year I can show you that I’ve got you all beat.

    Because I am Aragorn. Tall, Dark, Handsome, Principled. (Wish some of that were true. Dark, I guess)

    I do love me.

  9. fiveandfour says:

    Yoda I am.

    Like it I do.

    (I could go on all day….but spare you I will.)

  10. crystal says:

    I’m Delenn … Devoutly dedicated to helping lead others to glory, you are a strong, supportive, and spiritual caregiver.

    she was eventually married to John Sheridan, buddies with Macus Cole (woo hoo!), and fellow diplomat with Kosh … I miss Babylon 5!

  11. kybruno1 says:

    Skip over to Buffy and think of the Halloween episode where Oz wore a T-Shirt that said ‘god’
    Go for broke-I Am that I Am.
    Or was that Popeye?

  12. I yam what I yam — Popeye, but also Ralph Ellison’s fine novel, Inivisible Man, NOT to be confused with the icky awful Kevin Bacon movie.

    rof — cool! That’ll teach that guy to trash Rowling without even reading her.

  13. Oh. Almost forgot. I Am That I Am — that’s how the Lord himself, YHWH, refers to himself when Moses asks, “Which God shall I tell them sent me?” (i.e., “What’s your name?”)

    God’s reply, in effect: “Don’t be a schmuck. I’m ME. The BIG GUY. Get it?”

  14. Blue Gal says:

    Robot Buddha! They’re called DCM’s. It stands for Disposable Crew Member.

    I think the test is whacked. Everyone knows Douglas is Spock. Spock in the Amok Time episode, but still.

  15. Or, as we call it in my household, “Spock in Heat.”

    My wife channels Spock. Non-amok Spock, sadly.