A music contest!

Driving home from the gym today, it struck me, I love this CD so much I wish everyone could listen to it. That CD? Jonathan Coulton’s Best. Concert. Ever.

No, really. It is.

No, really. It is.

And then it occurred to me that I bet you all have stuff you wish the rest of us could listen to.

Hence the contest.

Here’s the idea: think of a performer or band you dearly love, preferably someone a little bit off the beaten track. Post a link in the comments*. If I haven’t heard of the performer or the band or that particular song, then you have just submitted a valid contest entry. How about we limit two entries per person. At the end of some as-yet-to-be-specified time period, I’ll have a drawing of names (entered twice if you gave me two valid entries), and to the winner I’ll send a copy of Best. Concert. Ever. Because I know you’re going to love it.

If you already own Best. Concert. Ever, I’ll send you something else that’s off the beaten track that I think is awesome.

If you put in an entry I’ve heard before, say, something off Pink Floyd’s The Wall or Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven, then I’ll let you know in the comments that it’s not a valid entry, probably by sneering at you with a nasty, “What part of off the beaten track didn’t you understand?” But you’ll still be able to submit more entries until you reach your two.

And in the process of holding this contest, we’ll all (hopefully) get to hear a bunch of stuff we haven’t heard before — and maybe we’ll find something new and different and wonderful to listen to.

Questions? If not, let the contest begin.


*The link must be to something with audio content — a YouTube video, or something with an audio sample from the song, for example; one particular song, please, not just a general link to the whole CD. Ideally, post a link to the song you really love by that performer, from that album, etc.


  1. Dean says:

    You might have heard of Petty Booka. They are pretty hard to find, but they are mindbending.

    This perfectly personifies the otherworld charm that is Petty Booka:


    (‘get your horse runnin, head out on the pwaiwie’)

  2. Dean says:

    Decent Chuck E. Weiss links are hard to come by.


    I ripped my Chuck E CDs but I don’t know what I did with the files. I guess I’ll have to rip them again.

  3. Dean says:

    OOO OOO this one is better. How the fuck did I miss this on the first pass through?


    This is pretty old, Chuck E looks 50 there, which means he was probably about 35.

  4. Dean says:

    Wow. These here internets are amazing.

    I haven’t heard this song in about 30 years – had the album (‘The Hawklords’) on vinyl and it got damaged – and lo, here it is on YouTube.

    I would be astonished if you’ve heard of The Hawklords.


  5. Dean says:

    You may have heard of the Hawkwind (they are intimately related to The Hawklords) but maybe you haven’t heard this song, and if you’ve heard it maybe you haven’t heard the live version.


    Wow, this takes me back.

  6. Dean says:

    Ok I’ll stop now. I’m not trying to stuff the ballot box, honest.

  7. Lucie says:

    A happy/sad song that has become my anthem by my friend, Rodney Crowell.

  8. Hawkwind! It’s been ages (my Moorcock immersion phase) since I listened to them.

  9. Walnut says:

    So far so good. These are all good entries. Two for Dean (sorry, that’s the max), one for Lucie, two for ps.

    Romance has a Bauhaus feel to ’em . . . and so far my favorite (not that it matters to the drawing) is Abney Park. Interesting.

  10. CB says:

    try this one – and most anything else by her, as well. one of the most google-unfriendly names ever (except maybe Xe, or whatever blackwater’s calling itself now): POE. Walk the Walk. ROCKS.

  11. Walnut says:

    I like 🙂

    How’d you find me, CB?

  12. Shaina says:

    ooh! ooh! Chris Bryan. I lurve him, but he never became as popular as he should have. chrisbryanmusic.com, then you can click on the link at the top left to hear some samples. or here at youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuVM35u-4Bg&feature=related. almost nobody has ever heard of him, i dont even know how my brother found him a few years ago. i think he’s amazing.

    also, this is one of my friends from camp who SHOULD BE FAMOUS LIKE NOW. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nijXPXtNPC8 she’s gorgeous and SO talented.

  13. lucie says:

    Here’s something my biking enthusiast son just sent me which is pretty cool by Mark Ronson & The Busines Intl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVELTxKRoHA I love it!

  14. Walnut says:

    Shaina, your friend from camp truly is talented.