Dr. Strangelove spanks the monkey?

From Indecision Forever, who are cool enough folks that they STILL have me on their blog roll even though I’m hardly funny anymore, here’s Sara Benincasa* doing (excuse me) Delaware Senatorial Candidate and all around blessing to comedians everywhere, Christine O’Donnell.

Hey! I’ve got jury duty on Monday! And in honor of this solemn civic responsibility, I have a question. What book should I bring, you know, to flash around, so that no lawyer in his right mind would allow me to pass voir dire?

Makes me regret that I donated 120 Days of Sodom to the local public library . . .

(Note to the local magistrates who work so hard to keep our courts clean and honest and oh so squeakily just: kidding. KIDDING! I would never try to swing things so that I’m kicked off a potential jury. Never never never! I believe in America. America has made my fortune. Often I say to my wife, “For justice, we must go to Don Corleone.” Oh — oops!)


*Who I would so send mash notes to if I weren’t married.


  1. kate r says:

    Happy Birthday to us! And I’d give you a date with Sarah for your birthday if I could…seriously. I’m sure she’d love to spend time with all of you.

  2. Walnut says:

    Thanks, Kate 🙂