
On Thursday my anesthesiologist, a Fox-watcher and all around asshat, relayed with some glee that fellow asshat and would-be Koran-burner Terry Jones would halt his book-burning plans in a tit-for-tat deal with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf to move the “Ground Zero Mosque.” Never mind that Jones was overstating his supposed deal, has since recanted his narcissistic plan, and that the “Ground Zero Mosque” would not be built at Ground Zero nor was it even a mosque. The media was all over it and this guy, my anesthesiologist, who incidentally knows my political leanings (I once told him that I, too, am unhappy with our President, since he’s far too right-wing for me), had to needle me with this non-story.

This is for him.


Lloyd Dangle, Troubletown, Buy this cartoon

Let’s hope no one does anything stupid today.
