And now I’m reading . . .

I feel like such a lemming: I’m reading Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones. Lemming because for a time, it seemed like everyone around me was toting this book.

I think I like it, but I’m not sure. It’s awfully manipulative at times. I feel like I’m reading the treatment for an old Steven Spielberg movie. (And sure enough, Spielberg executive produced the movie version of The Lovely Bones!) And somehow it doesn’t seem fair, selecting such charged subject material for the plot.

Eh, that’s all I got. Except for this.



  1. Stamper in CA says:

    I liked The Lovely Bones and so did many of the students I loaned a copy to; didn’t see the movie, heard it was lousy though Stanley Tucci was nominated for an Oscar.
    BTW, I’m impressed with Perrine’s Literature.

  2. Rella says:

    Love the clip! Hadn’t seen that one! 🙂

  3. KGK says:

    Great clip! One forgets how the original Star Trek is a rather weak hook to hang the huge Trekkie industry on. But still brilliant in its way.