So far, so good

No major disasters my last weekend on call. We escaped with our luggage, spent a four-hour holdover at SFO, then took a little 90 min jump to Crescent City. One of my old patients was on the plane, and he even remembered me by name.

Karen hung out at the hotel room while Jake and I had scampi at Beachcomber at the south end of town. First time we had seen the Pacific in two years. Not much has changed here; a little (very little) new construction along Hwy 101, but all in all, not much has changed. It’s overcast and the temp’s in the 60s. Just like the good ol’ days.

Tomorrow: the power Crescent City visit, complete with redwoods and the Smith River and tide pools and a visit to the hospital (hopefully) and dinner with our ex-employees and a trip to our house in Oregon to make sure it’s still standing.

UPDATE: It’s Tuesday morning . . . just got back from the hospital. They want to know when I’m coming back. Sad thing about my current employment situation is that I couldn’t moonlight even if I wanted to — I’m forbidden by contract. So this town (the two counties, really — Del Norte and Curry) will have to keep sending out their ENT patients, at least until the hospital can recruit another doc.

Got lots of hugs this morning. They love me, they really love me! Yes, I’m missed. And I miss them all, too.
