
Hate National Review Online’s Jonah Goldberg? Think he shames the rest of the tribe? Read this great skit over at alicublog.

By the way, we’re talking about the uvula today over at Wax, Boogers, and Phlegm. Get to know your other “man in the boat.”



  1. sxKitten says:

    You need a section on WB&P called “Getting To Know Your Dangly Bits”.

  2. Oh, but sxkitten, the uvula is the only dangly bit an ENT gets to see :o(

  3. sxKitten says:

    And I guess “Hey, baby, nice uvula!” isn’t going to get you a lot of dates.

  4. I do get some strange looks when, after examining someone’s ear drum under my binocular microscope, I say, “Beautiful!”

    But, damn it, an unscarred tympanic membrane is a thing of beauty.

  5. Dean says:

    Get to know your other “man in the boat.”

    Sorry, when it comes to men in boats, it’s no contest.