Potty humor. Literally.

My nose/head still hurt and all I really want to do is sleep, but it’s only 9 PM, and I doubt I could convince Karen to go to bed that early. So that means you get more drivel from yours truly.

Are you familiar with the TNG Edits? Here’s an example (most aren’t quite this juvenile; phallic humor is more typical):

Here’s a link to the others. Go crazy, spend a few hours soaking in the wonderfulness of jandrewedits. One of the recurring jokes is Data’s artistic . . . um, abilities. Here’s a good one.

I wish I had the time and energy to do this kinda stuff.



  1. kate r says:

    Now I want to go look up the episode with Worf growing weak and fainting and find out the real reason he’d ever keel over.

  2. Walnut says:

    Kate, the paintings (in TNG Edits) are hilarious. And that Sarah Palin collage was brilliant.