I don’t know if I have the guts

Don’t go below the fold if you are the type to issue fatwas . . . but I just wanted to share something that made Karen and I both gasp. And that’s saying something.

I don’t know if I would have the guts to put this on my car.


From the James Randi Educational Foundation.

My car is so beaten up that a few key-scratches and intentional rear-endings aren’t going to make that big of a difference. And I haven’t seen anyone in Bako sporting a gun rack, so I should be safe.

Then again, this is the #1 county in California for doling out conceal permits.



  1. Rella says:

    But then again, you have to consider if your patients ever see what you drive.

  2. Walnut says:

    No one has been offended by my Cthulhu for President sticker, or the Pastafarian sticker . . . but this would be a whole new level of offensiveness, no?

  3. Yeah… I appreciate the sentiment, but just having the Darwin fish used to get my car vandalized. I can’t imagine what Teh Buttsecks would result in.

  4. joolz says:

    lol@teh buttsecks. i have an ‘n chips on my car. never gotten any lip for it. then again, long beach isn’t bako, and there’s no fornication involved. i’d put that on my hooptie though.