This should be good.

My 80-year-old dad and my 77-year-old mom went to see Brokeback Mountain the other day.

They thought they were going to see a traditional Hollywood Western.

I’ve been too busy to call them, but when I do, I’ll say, “So. How was the movie?”


Here’s how today went:

Up at 6:30 AM.

Operating from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM.

Catching up on office work, surfing, and blogging: 3:30 to 6:00.

Hospital committee meeting: 6:00 to 8:00.

Home at about 8:20.

Chess with Jake until 10:00.

I’m going to type up Jake’s homework for tomorrow, and then I’m going to crash. G’night, moon.



  1. Dean says:

    I’m curious as to the Brokeback Mountain reaction. I haven’t seen it, but then we don’t get to go to movies in the theatre much, saddled as we are with small children.

  2. Blogenfreude says:

    Like the time I recommended Kentucky Fried Movie to my parents … you will never hear the end of it.

  3. mm says:

    You let your 10 year old stay up until 10:00?

    DON’T let my 11 year old know!

  4. Dean, the last movie I saw in the theater was Harry Potter Goblet of Fire. I think we get out to theaters only 2 or 3 times a year.

    Blogenfreude, what on earth could they have found objectionable about Kentucky Fried Movie? (The “Catholic Schoolgirls in Trouble” sequence, perhaps?)

    Maureen, Jake is a night owl. With melatonin, we’ve been able to get him to sleep by midnight. At one point he was staying up until 2 – 3AM reading in bed. It’s one of the reasons we homeschool him. Not the main reason, but a big one nonetheless.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hey, can you type up my homework while you’re at it?
    Angela 0>:)

  6. Pat Kirby says:

    Good, God. When do you sleep? Still up at eleven, getting up at 6:30, ugh.

    The older I get…the MORE sleep I require.