Bull 1, Matador 0

The most interesting aspect of Huffington Post’s story on the near-pithing of bullfighter Julio Aparicio is not the graphic photo of a horn piercing Aparicio’s throat and popping from his mouth like . . . wow, there’s no apt simile for a bull’s horn popping out of someone’s mouth. Go figure. I guess only bull horns pop out of people’s mouths like that. Anyway, the interesting part is the commentary. Not one person defended the sport. Not one. Has Hemingway’s spirit left this society entirely? Or perhaps Hemingway’s aficionados don’t read HuffPo.

A cross-section of the responses:

Revenge, about time.

The doctors are telling him to take his recovery slow, maybe by killing some small dogs first then working his way up to bulls.

He got what he deserved. What’s good for the bull is good for the bullfighter.

Karma truly is a bitch.

Isn’t there some other more constructive way to prove one’s manhood?

Yeah, if the Matador actually “Mounted” the Bull. Now THAT would be MANLY!!!!

The second most interesting thing about this article: Google’s choice of ads.

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Happy Monday!



  1. shaina says:


  2. Charles says:

    Well dude, let me just defend the sport right now: bull fighting is AWESOME. I love it. I’ve only ever seen a couple in Mexico, but it really is a cool deal. The people (the crowd, the matador, and everyone else involved) seem to have a great amount of respect for the bull. What I’d like to see is: Huffington Post Blogger-Fighting. I think Aryana Huffington would look pretty funny with some of those decorative barbed speer things hanging off of her ass.

    Also: this bull must have really been well bred. It happens so infrequently that a bull gets ahold of the matador like that. They usually save all the good bulls for Christmas time. Hopefully they let this one live so that he can fight again. Maybe horn-throat guy wants a rematch?

  3. Pat J says:

    Surely there are less painful ways to curb your snoring…

  4. jmc says:

    I saw the pics and a video clip of the goring yesterday. The glee that anti-bullfighting people are exhibiting is a little disturbing, frankly. It’s sort of interesting, in a detached, academic kind of way, to compare the response here to that of the public response to the drowning of a Sea World employee by an orca recently.