Grumble grumble

Blogger crashed for me earlier this evening. I had something in mind. Really, I did.

But I’m tired now, so instead of Balls and Walnuts’ usual high quality entertainment, I offer you tonight’s post over at Wax, Boogers, and Phlegm. Get a load of the hate mail I get from ear candling fanatics. (And this one is mild.)

More tomorrow, Blogger willing.



  1. Jona says:

    Hi Doug, I’m finally back online, but am having so many problems I want to scream and throw this computer out the window!

    But I just wanted to say, happy New Year, good luck with the resolutions, well done on the stats, and get on with the edit(!)

  2. kybruno1 says:

    My tarot cards clearly favor candling, but my phrenologist wasn’t so sure.

  3. Thanks, Kate. I googled ‘ofjoshua’ last night and figured that one out — what a strange pseudonym to choose for one’s wife!

    Hi Jona — thanks. I’m working on it!

    Hi ky — I’d recommend snake oil to these folks, but I like snakes too much.

  4. Jona says:

    I just nominated you over at:

    under Best New Blog – then I saw the Best Blog Whore section and nominated you there too ;o)

  5. Hey Doug, I would have sent you a private email but didn’t see it anywhere on your blog.
    Just wanted you to know I didn’t appreciate your shit head comment on my post! Penn & Teller didn’t write it, I did. What a miserable little prick you must be.

  6. Kate R says:

    well, that was intriguing, Missouri Mule. Naturally I ran right over to see what Doug had said. . . and now I’m even more baffled than usual.

    Shit head comment? Was there code in his joke? A “I seem to be having trouble with my lifestyle” (or whatever Arthur Dent quote it was that launched a thousand warships) moment in the blogoverse?

    Huh. Very weird.

  7. Kate R says:

    I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle.

    I had to look it up, of course . . .

    Unfortunately, in the Vl’hurg tongue this was the most dreadful insult imaginable, and there was nothing for it but to wage terrible war for centuries.