Looking Backward

I’d hate to plot this on the same scale as the YesButNoButYes gang’s graph, but I’m happy with it, just the same.

I can’t remember why or how I started Shatter (AKA Balls and Walnuts). Who turned me on to Blogger? I’m far too much of a technological nincompoop to find something like that on my own.

Blogging gives me the illusion of writerly discipline. Look at me, I’m writing every day — sometimes two or three times a day! Perhaps I had hoped that discipline would carry over into my more serious literary pursuits, but it hasn’t. If I had channeled all of this effort into my manuscript, I would have finished it months ago.

But then I wouldn’t have met all of y’all.

My first real post (April 9) concerned my short story, “My Troll Lover”, which reminds me: damn, that’s a fine story. I really ought to buff it and send it out. Again.

The big traffic bump in May came courtesy of John Scalzi. What amazed me, though, was the way my June traffic didn’t fall back to April levels. Smart Bitches didn’t discover me until July, so I really can’t account for my June numbers.

The rest of the growth I attribute to regular posting, persistent schmoozing, and shameless Technorati blogwhoring (my bloggenitals were particularly sore in October). Don’t know if I can continue this growth rate, but you know something? I don’t care. I’m having fun, and I like my gang of readers.

Happy New Year, everyone.



  1. PBW says:

    The rest of the growth I attribute to regular posting, persistent schmoozing, and shameless Technorati blogwhoring (my bloggenitals were particularly sore in October).

    Now there’s another metaphor? I’m going to forever remember you for.

    I’d say it’s the writing. Happy New Year, Doc.

  2. Darla says:

    It’s the writing. We come for the Technorati blogwhoring; we stay for the writing.

    Happy 2006!

  3. You’re a marvelous enigma, Doug. It’s your splendid gist of the absurd that keeps me coming back.

    Happy New Year!

  4. Robyn says:

    I don’t why. I just like you.

    All the best to you and your family this year, Doug.

  5. mm says:

    I come to fantasize about your hobbit feet.

  6. ROF says:

    I saw your comment on BlondeSense a while ago & followed the “Tarantula” URL to read the “Traitor” story. I was interested in reading more, but could find no evidence of later entries.

    Then, noting your apparent relationship, I tried your homepage URL at BlondeSense. It only opened a new HoloScan window identical to the one I “started” from. A check in that page’s source gave me “the directions” to get here.

    Anyway, having arrived, I think I’ll spend some time over the next few days & “try you on” — your readers’ comments are intriguing. But, I’m also interested, as I said, in reading more about your wife’s history. I’m betting the child she’s holding has something to do w/ her not publishing anything recently?

  7. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning, folks. Yesterday, when I went shopping, I (as usual) ran into a bunch of patients. I’ve never been much of a liar, not even the polite sort of lying which society demands, so when they asked about my holidays, I grumbled. I feel better now.

    ROF: T-lady fractured her pelvis about two weeks ago — I blogged about it here. Before that, she was sick with the flu, and that seemed to last at least a couple of weeks. Hopefully, she’ll get back into blogging once she’s back in action, but it might take as long as four more weeks for her to heal (according to the orthopedic surgeon). When she is back in action, I’ll announce it on my blog.

  8. Gabriele C. says:

    Doug, you have fanGirlz, that’s why. 🙂

    Happy New Year to you, the family, pets and spiders, and Gute Besserung (get better soon) to Karen.

  9. Scaramouch says:

    Happy New Year, Doug. Keep up the great writing.

  10. Hee Hee! I remember coming across your blog sometime in May. I think I was surfing the next blog link and there you were. I thought you were witty and funny and I enjoyed your writing. I’m glad that your numbers have increased so much. Congratulations on having such a successful blog.