Too tired to think

Not sure why. I’m not on call this week . . . should be sleeping like a baby.

The talk went well. I was hoping a “Here, let me share some wisdom-gained-from-experience with you” talk would be appreciated, and it was.

Here. This one’s for the writers/authors in my audience.

This intrigued me:

But what I really wanted to do was steal this from Noxcat.



  1. Dean says:

    What the…

    What is that movie? That scene is horribly, laughably bad. I’ve never been a Ryan O’Neal fan, but that’s just painful. That’s Isabelle Rossellini’s voice, and the only movie I can find in 2 minutes search is ‘Tough Guys Don’t Dance’, which doesn’t seem to fit. Although it is set on Cape Cod, so maybe.

    Anyway, that was bad.

  2. Walnut says:

    Gotta be that one, since I agree — that’s Isabelle Rossellini.

    What a wonderful scene though, eh?