Too much penis

The wife and I like Spartacus: Blood and Sand, but based on the comments at IMDB, not everyone is amused.

Nothing wrong with some nudity now and then, and it had a kind of balance of male/female nudity at the start, though the ammount was a bit stupid. I’m up to ep 5, and I’m liking that they’re toning down the ammount of nudity a bit, but damn, the writers must love penis, because it shows up fully every 20min or so in rather long cuts.

With female nudity, everything is generally tucked away and neat, but seeing penises flapping about this much is starting to get grating

This initiated an interesting thread wherein, among other sparkling moments, one commenter complained that all of this homoeroticism is historically inaccurate, and another commenter set that commenter most righteously in her place.

Me? I don’t care about all the penis and male derrieres. There are plenty of perfect unaugmented breasts (implants would be rather anachronistic) and lovely ungroomed bush and shapely female buns to counterbalance the bouncing wee-wees. And Lucy Lawless’s breasts! Great expanses of aureolae bigger than Brazil! XENA WARRIOR PRINCESS’S CASSAVA MELONS!

Sometimes, they wear clothes.

Sometimes, they wear clothes.

Oh, and it’s violent, too. Bludgeoning stabbing decapitating skull-crushing castrating crucifyingly violent.

I think there’s a story in there, too, but it bewilders me what that would be. Like all Americans, I just watch it for the nudity and violence.

While I love watching this show, I can’t seem to understand some of the unnecessary sex scene. I understand that the producers are trying to portray an accurate picture of rome but it seems as though they are doing too much. For ex, I think ep 6 when Lucy lawless is being bathe by the 3 slaves then comes in old and out of shape John Hannah who then grabs the slave girl hands and puts it on his penis and then about a minute later begins to force himself on the slave girl per instructions from Lucy lawless. I’m not sure what the significance of that scene was*. The show is suppose to be about gladiators fighting in the arena but it’s full of crude sex scenes that have no significance to the show.

Well, maybe not all Americans.


*The wife rather pragmatically points out that there IS a point. This is all leading up to a slave revolt, after all, so it’s important to demonstrate that slaves were regarded as property by their owners, to be used and abused at will, again, and again, and again.


  1. Dean says:

    Sadly, we don’t get Starz in Canada. We’ll have to wait till it comes out on DVD. I’ve been curious about it since I first heard of it – it sounds interesting.

  2. kate r says:

    I hadn’t watched a single episode but now that I know there are penises flopping around, and Lucy Lawless acting badly, I better start.

  3. Walnut says:

    Dean, it’ll be worth it for the sheer gratuitousness of its sex and violence.

    Kate, who said anything about Lucy acting badly? I think she does respectable work. And not once has she emitted a Warrior Princess yodel.

  4. Rella says:

    Dean: Look around the web. I googled watch spartacus blood and sand online, and came up with a bunch of sites that I could watch it from… Megavideo is usually my top pic. That is, if you don’t mind watching on your computer. It’s how I see my TV.

    Walnut: Thanks for the heads up, I hadn’t heard about this show yet. But, with Lucy and some gratuitous nudity, it may become one I have to watch!

  5. Too much penis? If my spam folder is to be believed, there’s no such thing… :-/

  6. Walnut says:

    Rella: depending on your TV, you may be able to use a cable from your computer to the TV, so that you can watch it on the big screen. (It’s called an HDMI cable.)

    ps: based on my own exhaustive internet research, I’d have to disagree. If you can only use 50% of it no matter what the position, then that’s 50% gone to waste (unless you’re counting Shock and Awe value).

  7. Erin O'Brien says:

    I love how the one person you commented talks about gratuitous sex, then describes same in excruciating detail.

    Gratuitous or not, he/she is SURE paying close attention.


  8. Kris Starr says:

    From my perspective, one can never have too much penis.