

Is it really so much to ask? I only want to lose ten pounds. Even five would be a big improvement. I’m not that overweight, but on me, five or ten pounds makes a huge difference. And working my ass off at the gym — well, it’s not working my ass off.

It’s always something. I can’t eat beef. I can’t eat milk products without taking a Lactaid first. And now it seems I can’t indulge in salty snacks without retaining water. How else can I explain a two-pound weight gain in as many days?

Yes, I know some folks out there have it much worse than me. But the seeming easiness of my goal makes its unattainability all the more frustrating. Does that make sense? It’s like declaring your New Years Resolution to be, “I’m going to avoid speeding on the highway at least one day this upcoming year,” only to find yourself punching the accelerator time after time.

Speaking of which.

My doctor offered me phentermine. Did I mention that? I asked him what it was, exactly, and he said (with masterful nonchalance), “Speed.” I told him no thanks. Not that I couldn’t use the energy or the weight loss, but I’m insomnia-plagued as it is.

Time to take more Hoodia.



  1. Lucie says:

    Did you ever consider that you might be putting in too much time at the gym? An hour of vigorous excercise won’t always burn off the calories resulting from the appetite boost such vigorous excerise demands. The only way to lose weight is to eat less than you are eating now in terms of calories. Exercising can speed the process as long as you maintain control of calories. I use mental images to help me stay in control. When I feel like a snack, instead I think about how nice my ski pants look when they fit perfectly. Or, if I am about to eat ice cream, I have an emergency will power booster which is to instead contemplate how jealous a certain person will be if my figure is better than hers. Good luck.

  2. Dean says:

    Not only what Lucie says, but weight isn’t a reliable indicator of fitness. If you’re working out hard, your weight may well go up – although it is supposedly harder to put on muscle mass after 40.

    I’d worry about the size of the pants, not the number on the scale.

  3. Lyvvie says:

    My doctor never offers me speed! I need to lose 20kgs and some speed would really help me out. Although, I’m sure the guilt and anxiety would get the better of me and I’d come to my senses.

    I’ll see if I can dig out my Tom Venuto e-book and send it along to you.

  4. Walnut says:

    Lucie, what I need to do is count calories, but unless I want to make all of my meals separate from my family and consume nothing but Lean Cuisine, it’s often very difficult figuring out how many calories I’m consuming. But, yes, I’ve done it before, I can do it again.

    Dean, I know my muscle mass is pretty decent. But I know my waist size could easily come down three inches, too.

    Lyvvie, thanks 😉

  5. KGK says:

    Ritalin. Focus without the food.